37 Creating a Site From the Admin Interface

To create a site you specify a site name, description, and a method for previewing site content, as follows:

  1. In the General Admin tree, expand the Admin node, expand the Sites node, and then double-click Add New.

    The Add New Site form opens.

  2. In the Name field, enter the name for the new site. Note the following conventions when naming the site:
    • The name must be between 1 and 255 characters.

    • The following characters are not allowed: single-quote ('), double quote ("), semicolon (;), colon (:), question mark (?), ampersand (&), less-than sign (<), and greater-than sign (>). Additionally, the name cannot end with a backslash.

    • The name cannot contain spaces.

  3. In the Description field, enter the name of the site as you want it to appear in the WebCenter Sites interfaces (up to 64 characters). This site name is used in site lists throughout the user interface.
  4. In the Preview method field, select the method how you will preview the site content.
  5. Click Add Site.

    The Site form opens.

    This form is used to execute several operations. For example, inspect, edit, or delete the site, manage users, or configure Site Launcher to replicate the site.

    When the new site is added to the Sites node, WebCenter Sites creates, below the site name, a set of sub-nodes that prompt you for site components:

    • Click Manage users for this site for this site to manage site users.

    • Click Enable Asset Types... to select asset types for the website; click Disable Asset Types... to remove asset types. Asset types are created by developers.

    • Click List all Start Menu items for this site to show the Start Menu items which have been created for the site.

    • Click List all Workflow Processes for this site to manage the workflows for the site.

    • Click Configure Site Launcher for this site to configure and enable Site Launcher.

    Each sub-node is equipped with a linking mechanism that allows you to associate the sub-node, and therefore the site, with data in the configuration pool. Because of this linking mechanism, the sub-nodes cannot be deleted or supplemented with custom sub-nodes. Selecting a sub-node allows you to create All data required by the sub-nodes must be entered in to the configuration pool, described next.

Note that the procedure above only adds new sites.

  • To make a site usable, you must associate users and asset types (created by developers) with the site. If you plan to use workflow processes, you should create those processes as well.

  • To copy or migrate the site to another WebCenter Sites system, use the RealTime publishing method. See the chapters on real-time publishing.