22 Registering a New Proxy Asset Type

To represent ProxyTest content in the WebCenter Sites repository, define a new proxy asset type.

To create a proxy asset type:

  1. On the Admin node, expand Proxy Asset Manager, and double-click Add New.

    The Add New Proxy Asset Type page opens.

  2. In the Name field, enter a name for the proxy asset type. Similarly, enter a description in the Description field, and enter a plural form of the name in the Plural Form field.


    Creating or editing proxy assets through the Contributor interface is not available. Consequently, in this step, only a Search start menu should be enabled.

    In this example, and to use with the examples continuing through the rest of the document, enter ProxyTest in the Name field, ProxyTest in the Description field, and ProxyTests in the Plural Form field.

  3. Click Save.


Proxy Asset Maker registers the new asset type and creates a single table with the same name. A proxy asset table has only a subset of standard asset metadata, and defines only one specific column: externalid. This column is meant to store the identifier of the external content in the external repository.