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Registers an IList by name with Sites.



The name that Sites will use to refer to this list.

The IList to be registered.


The RegisterList method registers an IList by name with Sites. The registration of the IList persists only for the duration of the current page evaluation. The registered name of the IList is not persistent across page requests. Once registered, the IList can be referenced from an XML tag or by using the GetList() method.

If the supplied name is in use in the current scope, this list will replace the existing list object. If the value of the IList parameter is null, the specified list will be unregistered.

Note that any IList created by Sites is already registered. This method is primarily used to register instances of new IList types implemented by the user. If Sites is to manipulate these lists created by new implementations of the interface, the name of the list must be registered with Sites first.


Boolean value indicating the list item was added. An error will be returned if the added list is empty (no rows) or invalid (no columns).

Error Numbers

Use GetErrno() to view the error number.


The following example registers an IList with Sites:

See Also

CopyList , GetList , RenameList


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