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Replaces an existing row in a table by first deleting it, and then inserting the specified information into the row using ics:catalogmanager.



ftcmd (required)
Value must be set to replacerow.

tablename (required)
Name of the table that contains the row to replace.

columnname (optional)
Each column in the row to be replaced. columnname is a table column name.
Must contain at least one argument with primarykey column being the columnname.

urlcolumnname_folder (optional)
Subfolder name to store the uploaded file. The file is then stored under the upload folder and the subfolder. The upload folder is specified in the SystemInfo table's defdir column. You can have multiple upload columns.

Upload columns are designated by the prefix url. The column name in the table must begin with url (for example, urltext). The argument name must include the table's column name with _folder appended to the column name (for example, urltext_folder).

columnname_file (required for non-binary files)
The name of the file you want to upload. The column name in the table must begin with url (for example, urltext). The agrument name must have _file appended to the table's column name (for example, urltext_file).


The replacerow command replaces an existing row in a table on a remote server by first deleting it, and then inserting the specified information into the row. This command should be used to clear the value of a column in a row.

Error Numbers

The possible values of errno include:

No such table.
No table definition.
Database error.


The following example updates name column for id=100 with value from 'Apple' to 'Orange' and quantity from 100 to 150.

id description quantity
100 Apple 100
102 Grape 300
    <ics:argument name="ftcmd" value="replacerow"/>
    <ics:argument name="tablename" value="ExampleTable"/>
    <ics:argument name="id" value="100"/>
    <ics:argument name="description" value="Orange"/>
    <ics:argument name="quantity" value="150"/>

See Also

The following ics:catalogmanager commands:




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