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errdetail Error Values

For revision tracking operations,

The reserved variable named Variable.errdetails provides additional information about errors for the following:


Variable.errdetails Pertaining to BlobServer and EvalServer
Value Description
10 General init failure, probably due to missing or invalid property file or maybe missing a required .jar file in the classpath. Used by both BlobServer and EvalServer.
11 Invalid property file. errdetail1 is the name of the missing or invalid property, errdetail2 is the value of the property in futuretense.ini. Used by both BlobServer and EvalServer.
12 Missing command. BlobServer or EvalServer parameters did not specify either a serve or flush command.
13 Missing required parameters. Used by BlobServer if one of the required request parameters is missing (blobcol, blobwhere, or blobkey). errdetail1 is the value provided for blobcol, errdetail2 is the value provided for blobwhere, errdetail3 is the value provided for blobkey.
20 Security exception flushing the cache. Used by BlobServer or EvalServer for a flush request that failed a security permissions check.
21 Security exception serving a request. Used by BlobServer or EvalServer for a blob or page request that failed a security permissions check.
30 Unknown error generating a response for a serve request. For EvalServer, errdetail1 is the name of the page requested that has failed to evaluate. For BlobServer, errdetail1 is the requested table, errdetail2 is the requested column, errdetail3 is the requested where criteria, and errdetail4 is the requested column to match the where criteria.
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