Private Hostnames

The private hostname is the name that is used for internode communication over the private-network interface. Private hostnames are automatically created during Oracle Solaris Cluster configuration of a global cluster or a zone cluster. These private hostnames follow the naming convention clusternode node-id -priv, where node-id is the numeral of the internal node ID. During Oracle Solaris Cluster configuration, the node ID number is automatically assigned to each node when the node becomes a cluster member. A node of the global cluster and a node of a zone cluster can both have the same private hostname, but each hostname resolves to a different private-network IP address.

After a global cluster is configured, you can rename its private hostnames by using the clsetup(8CL) utility. Currently, you cannot rename the private hostname of a zone-cluster node.

The creation of a private hostname for a non-global zone is optional. There is no required naming convention for the private hostname of a non-global zone.