Failed to Remove a File from Global ZFS Filesystem When Quota is Exceeded (20860157)

Problem Summary: You will not be able to remove a file if the quota set on a dataset is exceeded.

Workaround: There are several workarounds for this issue. You can temporarily remove the quota, and then remove the file, or you can truncate one or more file(s) to bring the total filesystem usage under the quota.

One option is to export the zpool and re-import it as a local ZFS file system. Remove the file(s). Re-import the zpool with global mounting.

Another option is to truncate the file. For example, if file1 is a large file which is causing the filesystem to exceed quota and you want to delete file1, you can truncate the file by redirecting a null output into it:

schost$ ls -l file1
-rw-------   1 user1     group1     10485760 Oct 21 17:47 file1
schost$ > file1
schost$ ls -l file1
-rw-------   1 user1     group1           0 Oct 21 17:47 file1
schost$ rm file1