Flag Cases & Disallow Switchovers Accordingly Where Dependent rgs are Not in pg (28004581)

Problem Summary: If there are any RG_affinities like ++/+++ or RG_dependencies from Resource group(s) which are outside Protection group on to the Resource group(s) which is in the Protection group, and if those external Resource group(s) are not unmanaged, then switchover of Protection group fails.

Workaround: If you must keep dependent resource groups outside of the protection group managing the dependee resource group(s), consider the following options:

  • Put those resource groups in other protection group(s), then put these protection groups in the same multigroup as the dependee protection group with dependency from the protection group that contains the dependent resource group(s) on this dependee protection group. To initiate a switchover, use the geomg command with the multigroup and not geopg with the individual protection groups.

  • Still keep the dependent resource groups outside of protection groups, but you must bring them to the unmanaged state before initiating the switchover of the protection groups containing the dependee resource groups.