The software described in this documentation is either no longer supported or is in extended support.
Oracle recommends that you upgrade to a current supported release.

Chapter 3 Using Kata Containers

This chapter briefly discusses creating Kata containers. This information can be used to verify the installation is successful, and that you can create containers using kata-runtime as the runtime engine.

3.1 Installing Kata Containers

To deploy Kata Containers you must first set up an Oracle Cloud Native Environment, including the kubernetes module. For information on installing and deploying Oracle Cloud Native Environment, see Getting Started.

3.2 Checking Hardware

You can test whether your hardware is capable of running Kata Containers using the kata-runtime kata-check command. To use this command you must first have a running Kubernetes deployment. On a Kubernetes worker node, run:

sudo kata-runtime kata-check

For more information on using the kata-runtime command, use the kata-runtime --help command.

3.3 Creating Kata Containers

This section provide an example of creating a Kubernetes pod configuration file, which is used to create a container using kata-runtime as the runtime engine. Before you create Kata Containers, you should set up a Kubernetes runtime class for kata-runtime. For information on setting up a runtime class, see Section 1.3, “Setting Runtime Classes”.

Example 3.1 Creating an NGINX container

This example uses a Kubernetes pod configuration file to create a Kata container. The pod configuration file creates an NGINX web server container, which is often used when testing containers.

To create an NGINX Kata container:
  1. On a host that is set up to use the kubectl command to connect to the Kubernetes cluster, create a Kubernetes pod configuration file. To specify the container should be run as a Kata container, use the notation runtimeClassName: kata-containers in the pod file. When CRI-O encounters this runtime class in a pod file, it passes the container to kata-runtime to run the container.

    This pod file is named kata-nginx.yaml.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: kata-nginx
      runtimeClassName: kata-containers
        - name: nginx
          image: nginx
          - containerPort: 80
  2. Create the Kata container using the kata-nginx.yaml file with the kubectl apply command:

    kubectl apply -f kata-nginx.yaml
    pod/nginx-kata created
  3. To check the pod has been created, use the kubectl get pods command:

    kubectl get pods
    NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE kata-nginx 1/1 Running 0 11s
  4. Use the kubectl describe command to show a more detailed view of the pod, including which worker node is hosting the pod and the Container ID.

    kubectl describe pod kata-nginx
    Name: kata-nginx Namespace: default Priority: 0 PriorityClassName: <none> Node: Start Time: Thu, 12 Sep 2019 01:53:35 +0100 Labels: <none> Annotations: {"apiVersion":"v1","kind":"Pod","metadata":{"annotations":{}... Status: Running IP: Containers: mycontainer: Container ID: cri-o://8f7d91a1893638498b3bbf74271e4b24361830e29ac65cc361a4c0... Image: nginx Image ID: Port: 80/TCP Host Port: 0/TCP State: Running ...
  5. You can list the pods on a worker node using the crictl pods command. For example, on a worker node, run:

    sudo crictl pods
    POD ID CREATED STATE NAME NAMESPACE ATTEMPT 03564d1e87df9 1 hours ago Ready kata-nginx default 0 3bfabc5c7eea5 22 hours ago Ready kube-flannel-ds-6fkld kube-system 0 bb0de1bff1cdf 22 hours ago Ready kube-proxy-cc7tb kube-system 0

    You can see the kata-nginx container is running on this worker node.

    For more information on using the crictl command, use the crictl --help command.

  6. You can get more detailed information about the containers on a worker node using the crictl ps command. For example:

    sudo crictl ps
    CONTAINER IMAGE NAME POD ID 8f7d91a189363 nginx ... 03564d1e87df9 0e9db3f09163a 0a95ca9313ebb9fc3708d8... kube-flannel ... 3bfabc5c7eea5 f8350c6fe0c55 container-registry.ora... kube-proxy ... bb0de1bff1cdf

    Note the Container ID is a shortened version of the Container ID shown in the pod description.

  7. To get detailed information about a container, use the crictl inspectp command using the POD ID. For example:

    sudo crictl inspectp 03564d1e87df9
    { "status": { "id": "03564d1e87df9d7330e949e67e18252d2a02b0fac585293667d7dd7b92857b9b", "metadata": { "attempt": 0, "name": "kata-nginx", "namespace": "default", "uid": "bfda5be6-d4f7-11e9-8ad8-52540037f605" }, "state": "SANDBOX_READY", "createdAt": "2019-09-12T01:53:35.552628639+01:00", "network": { "ip": "" ...
  8. To confirm the container is running using kata-runtime, use the kata-runtime list command. For example:

    sudo kata-runtime list
    ID PID STATUS BUNDLE ... 03564d1e87df9d7330e949e67e1825... 20140 running /run/containers/storage/... 8f7d91a1893638498b3bbf74271e4b... 20191 running /run/containers/storage...

    Note the ID is the same as the Container ID shown in the pod description.

  9. You can delete the pod using the kubectl delete command on the control plane node:

    kubectl delete pod kata-nginx
    pod "kata-nginx" deleted