The software described in this documentation is either no longer supported or is in extended support.
Oracle recommends that you upgrade to a current supported release.

Chapter 5 Documentation Changes

This chapter lists notable changes to the Oracle Cloud Native Environment documentation.

5.1 Release 1.3

This section lists the notable changes in the documentation for Release 1.3 of Oracle Cloud Native Environment.

Product Name Change: The product name in the documentation set is changed from Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment to Oracle Cloud Native Environment. The name change occurred in September 2021.

5.2 Release 1.2

This section lists the notable changes in the documentation for Release 1.2 of Oracle Cloud Native Environment.

Look and Feel: The documentation set is republished in a new format which improves the look and feel. Due to this change some deep links into the documentation set may have changed.

Platform CLI: A new Platform Command-Line Interface book is added to provide more detailed information on using the Platform CLI. This book contains the information on how to use the olcnectl command, including the complete syntax. This information was previously located in Getting Started .

Concepts: A new Concepts book is added to provide high level information on the architecture and components of Oracle Cloud Native Environment. Some information in this new book was previously located in Getting Started.

Creating a Kubernetes module: The information related to creating and managing a Kubernetes module is moved from Getting Started to Container Orchestration. Getting Started now only contains the information you need to set up the hosts and the environment in which to install the Kubernetes module.

Host Requirements: Information about host requirements is from the Release Notes to Getting Started .

Kubernetes High Availability Requirements: Information about the node requirements for Highly Available Kubernetes clusters is added to Getting Started .

Load Balancer: Information about setting up a load balancer for a Highly Available Kubernetes cluster is added to Getting Started. Information about setting up a load balancer for the Istio ingress gateway is added to Service Mesh.

Istio Requirements: Information about the node requirements for Istio is added to Getting Started .

Control Plane Nodes: The term control plane node replaces the term master node.