3 New Features and Notable Changes

This chapter lists the new features and notable changes in each Oracle Cloud Native Environment release.

Release 1.6.7

This section lists the notable changes in Release 1.6.7 of Oracle Cloud Native Environment.

Kubernetes Updated: Kubernetes is updated to Release 1.25.16.

Release 1.6.6

This section lists the notable changes in Release 1.6.6 of Oracle Cloud Native Environment.

CRI-O Updated: CRI-O is updated to Release 1.25.15.

Release 1.6.5

This section lists the notable changes in Release 1.6.5 of Oracle Cloud Native Environment.

Kubernetes Updated: Kubernetes is updated to Release 1.25.15.

Release 1.6.3

This section lists the notable changes in Release 1.6.3 of Oracle Cloud Native Environment.

Istio Updated: Istio is updated to Release 1.16.7.

Release 1.6.2

This section lists the notable changes in Release 1.6.2 of Oracle Cloud Native Environment.

Kubernetes Updated: Kubernetes is updated to Release 1.25.11.

Release 1.6.1

This section lists the notable changes in Release 1.6.1 of Oracle Cloud Native Environment.

Kubernetes Updated: Kubernetes is updated to Release 1.25.7-2.

Istio Updated: Istio is updated to Release 1.16.4.

Platform CLI

The Platform CLI has the following new options to replace deprecated terms:


The --oci-private-key-file option, used when creating the oci-ccm module, replaces the deprecated --oci-private-key option for specifying the location of the private key for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure API signing key. You can use the oci-private-key-file option both in YAML environment configuration files as well as with the olcnectl module create command. The private key must be located on the operator node

Release 1.6.0

This section lists the notable changes in Release 1.6.0 of Oracle Cloud Native Environment.

Updated Components

The following components have been updated:
  • Kubernetes: Kubernetes is updated to Release 1.25.7.

  • CRI-O: CRI-O is updated to Release 1.25.2.

  • Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Cloud Controller Manager: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Cloud Controller Manager is updated to Release 1.25.0.

  • Istio: Istio is updated to Release 1.16.2.

  • Helm: Helm is updated to Release 3.11.1.

  • Calico: Calico Release 3.25.0 is added.

  • Multus: Multus Release 3.9.3 is added.

Calico and Multus Kubernetes CNI

In additional to Flannel networking for the Kubernetes CNI, you can now use Calico and Multus. The olcnectl module create and olcnectl module update Platform CLI commands are updated with new command options to install and update Calico and Multus. For information on how to set up new Kubernetes clusters using these networking technologies, see Container Orchestration.


Calico can only be used on new deployments. You cannot upgrade from Release 1.5 to 1.6 and change from Flannel to Calico. You can, however, install the Multus module into an upgraded cluster that uses Flannel.

Helm Module

The installation has been improved to remove the requirement to install the Helm module when installing optional modules. Helm is now automatically installed with the Kubernetes module and associated with it to perform optional module installations. You no longer need to create and install a Helm module in order to install other modules.

The firewalld Service

You can now install Oracle Cloud Native Environment with the firewalld service enabled, or you can disable it and use your own firewall solution.

Listing Installable Module Versions

The Platform CLI is updated to include a new olcnectl module version command. This command lists the latest module versions available in the Oracle Container Registry that can be installed for the Oracle Cloud Native Environment currently on your system.

You can use the command before running olcnectl module update to see which versions of modules and their subcomponents will be installed or updated. See Platform Command-Line Interface for more details.

Quick Installation

The olcnectl provision command can now also be used for scaling an existing Kubernetes cluster. The command automates many of the tasks required for scaling up, for example the setting up of new certificates and the installation of Oracle Cloud Native Environment software on each new node.

See Quick Installation for more details.

Platform CLI

The Platform CLI has the following new options to replace deprecated terms:


The option --control-plane-nodes replaces the deprecated --master-nodes option for specifying the hostnames or IP addresses of the Kubernetes control plane nodes.

Use --control-plane-nodes in YAML environment configuration files, as well as in olcnectl commands that specify the control plane nodes, for example, olcnectl module create, olcnectl module update, and olcnectl provision.