2 Installing the Operator Lifecycle Manager Module

This chapter discusses how to install the Operator Lifecycle Manager module in Oracle Cloud Native Environment.

Deploying the Operator Lifecycle Manager Module

This section contains information on how to install the Operator Lifecycle Manager module. You must have a Kubernetes module installed before you install Operator Lifecycle Manager.

For the syntax to use to create a Operator Lifecycle Manager module, see the operator-lifecycle-manager option of the olcnectl module create command in Platform Command-Line Interface.

To deploy the Operator Lifecycle Manager module:

  1. Create and install a Kubernetes module. The name of the Kubernetes module in this example is mycluster.

  2. Create an Operator Lifecycle Manager module and associate it with the Kubernetes module named mycluster using the --olm-kubernetes-module option. In this example, the Operator Lifecycle Manager module is named myolm.

    olcnectl module create \
    --environment-name myenvironment \
    --module operator-lifecycle-manager \
    --name myolm \
    --olm-kubernetes-module mycluster

    The --module option sets the module type to create, which is operator-lifecycle-manager. You define the name of the Operator Lifecycle Manager module using the --name option, which in this case is myolm.

    The --olm-kubernetes-module option sets the name of the Kubernetes module.

    If you don't include all the required options when adding the module, you're prompted to provide them.

  3. Use the olcnectl module install command to install the Operator Lifecycle Manager module. For example:

    olcnectl module install \
    --environment-name myenvironment \
    --name myolm

    The Operator Lifecycle Manager module is deployed into the Kubernetes cluster and the required containers are running in the operator-lifecycle-manager namespace.

Verifying the Operator Lifecycle Manager Module Deployment

You can verify the Operator Lifecycle Manager module is deployed using the olcnectl module instances command on the operator node. For example:

olcnectl module instances \
--environment-name myenvironment

The output looks similar to:

INSTANCE                  MODULE                            STATE  
myolm                     operator-lifecycle-manager        installed 
mycluster                 kubernetes                        installed

Note the entry for operator-lifecycle-manager in the MODULE column is in the installed state.

In addition, use the olcnectl module report command to review information about the module. For example, use the following command to review the Operator Lifecycle Manager module named myolm in myenvironment:

olcnectl module report \
--environment-name myenvironment \
--name myolm \

For more information on the syntax for the olcnectl module report command, see Platform Command-Line Interface.

To verify the Operator Lifecycle Manager containers are deployed, use the kubectl command on a control plane node to list the deployments running in the operator-lifecycle-manager namespace.

kubectl get deployments --namespace operator-lifecycle-manager

The output looks similar to:

catalog-operator   1/1     1            1           2m36s
olm-operator       1/1     1            1           2m36s
packageserver      2/2     2            2           2m30s