11 Install Optional Modules

After you install the Oracle Cloud Native Environment platform and install a Kubernetes module, you can add any optional modules you want to the environment using the olcnectl command on the operator node.

Calico Module

When you have created and installed a Kubernetes module, you can optionally install the Calico module. Calico can be used to configure the Kubernetes CNI to manage pod network traffic. For information on creating and installing a Calico module, see Calico Module.

Multus Module

When you have created and installed a Kubernetes module, you can optionally install the Multus module. Multus can be used to create a network bridge between either Flannel or Calico. For information on creating and installing a Multus module, see Multus Module.

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Cloud Controller Manager Module

When you have created and installed a Kubernetes module, you can optionally install the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Cloud Controller Manager module to set up access to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure storage and application load balancers. This lets you use Oracle Cloud Infrastructure storage to provide persistent storage for Kubernetes applications. This also lets you create load balancers for Kubernetes applications so they can be accessed externally, from outside the cluster.

For information on installing the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Cloud Controller Manager module, see Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Cloud Controller Manager Module.

MetalLB Module

When you have created and installed a Kubernetes module, you can optionally install the MetalLB module. MetalLB is a network load balancer for Kubernetes applications running on bare metal hosts. MetalLB lets you use Kubernetes LoadBalancer services, which traditionally use a cloud provider network load balancer, in a bare metal environment. For information on installing the MetalLB module, see MetalLB Module.

Rook Module

When you have created and installed a Kubernetes module, you can optionally install the Rook module to set up access to Ceph storage. This lets you use a Ceph cluster to provide persistent storage for Kubernetes applications. For information on installing the Rook module, see Rook Module.

KubeVirt Module

When you have created and installed a Kubernetes module, you can optionally install the KubeVirt module to create and manage virtual machines. For information on installing the KubeVirt module, see KubeVirt Module.

Operator Lifecycle Manager Module

When you have created and installed a Kubernetes module, you can optionally install the Operator Lifecycle Manager module to manage the installation and lifecycle management of operators in a Kubernetes cluster. For information on installing the Operator Lifecycle Manager module, see Operator Lifecycle Manager Module.

Istio Module

When you have created and installed a Kubernetes module, you can optionally install a service mesh using the Istio module. For information on installing the Istio module to create a service mesh, see Istio Module.