Set up the Operator Node on Oracle Linux 9

Set up the operator node on an Oracle Linux 9 host. The operator node is used to perform an installation of Oracle Cloud Native Environment and a Kubernetes cluster.


The Oracle Linux yum server is used to install the Oracle Cloud Native Environment software packages. If the systems to be used in the environment are subscribed to the Unbreakable Linux Network (ULN), use the full installation steps outlined in Installation.

To set up the operator node on Oracle Linux 9:

  1. Install the oracle-olcne-release-el9 release package:

    sudo dnf install oracle-olcne-release-el9
  2. Enable the yum repositories.

    For hosts running UEK R7, use:

    sudo dnf config-manager --enable ol9_olcne18 ol9_addons ol9_baseos_latest ol9_appstream ol9_UEKR7

    For hosts running RHCK, use:

    sudo dnf config-manager --enable ol9_olcne18 ol9_addons ol9_baseos_latest ol9_appstream
  3. Disable the yum repositories for previous Oracle Cloud Native Environment releases.

    sudo dnf config-manager --disable ol9_olcne17
  4. Disable any developer yum repositories. To list the developer repositories that need to be disabled, use the dnf repolist command:

    sudo dnf repolist --enabled | grep developer

    Disable the repositories returned using the dnf config-manager tool. For example:

    sudo dnf config-manager --disable ol9_developer
  5. Install the olcnectl software package:

    sudo dnf install olcnectl