3 Updating to an Errata Release

This section describes how to update Oracle Cloud Native Environment to an errata release. You can use this procedure to update Kubernetes to the latest errata release. This updates the environment within the same major.minor release. For example, Release 1.8 is updated to the latest available software.

Perform each step in this chapter to update an environment to an errata release.


Don't change the ULN channel or Oracle Linux yum server repository. They must remain as you set them during the installation.

Updating the Operator Node

Update the operator node with the new Oracle Cloud Native Environment software packages.

To update the operator node:

  1. On the operator node, stop the olcne-api-server service:

    sudo systemctl stop olcne-api-server.service
  2. Update the Platform CLI, Platform API Server, and utilities packages.

    sudo dnf upgrade olcnectl olcne-api-server olcne-utils
  3. Start the olcne-api-server service:

    sudo systemctl start olcne-api-server.service

Updating the Kubernetes Nodes

Update the Kubernetes nodes with the new Oracle Cloud Native Environment packages.

On the operator node, use the olcnectl environment update command to update the Platform Agent on each Kubernetes node in the environment. This example updates the Platform Agent on all nodes in the myenvironment environment.

olcnectl environment update olcne \
--environment-name myenvironment

The Platform Agent is updated and the service is restarted on each node.

Updating the Kubernetes Cluster

Update the cluster to the latest Kubernetes errata release.

On the operator node, use the olcnectl module update command to update to the latest Kubernetes errata release. This example updates a Kubernetes module named mycluster in the myenvironment environment to the latest Kubernetes errata release.

olcnectl module update \
--environment-name myenvironment \
--name mycluster

If you're using the NGINX load balancer deployed by the Platform CLI, also update NGINX on the control plane nodes. You specify the location from which to pull the NGINX container image used to update NGINX using the --nginx-image option. For example, include this extra line in the olcnectl module update command to update NGINX from the Oracle Container Registry:

--nginx-image container-registry.oracle.com/olcne/nginx:1.17.7 


Ensure you update to the latest NGINX release for the Oracle Cloud Native Environment release. To get the version number of the latest NGINX container image, see Release Notes.

You can optionally use the --log-level option to set the level of logging displayed in the command output. By default, error messages are displayed. For example, you can set the logging level to show all messages when you include:

--log-level debug

The log messages are also saved as an operation log. You can view operation logs as commands are running, or when they've completed. For more information using operation logs, see Platform Command-Line Interface.

The nodes in the cluster are updated to the latest errata release and the cluster's health is validated.

Updating Istio

If you have the Istio module installed, you must also update it.


Ensure you update to the latest release of Istio. To get the version number of the latest Istio release for Oracle Cloud Native Environment Release 1.8 see Release Notes.

To update Istio:

On the operator node, use the olcnectl module update command to update to the latest Istio release available for Oracle Cloud Native Environment Release 1.8. This example updates an Istio module named myistio in the myenvironment environment to Istio Release 1.19.9.

olcnectl module update \
--environment-name myenvironment \
--name myistio \
--istio-version 1.19.9 

The --istio-version option specifies the release to which you want to update. This example uses release number 1.19.9.

You can optionally use the --log-level option to set the level of logging displayed in the command output. By default, error messages are displayed. For example, you can set the logging level to show all messages when you include:

--log-level debug

The log messages are also saved as an operation log. You can view operation logs as commands are running, or when they've completed. For more information using operation logs, see Platform Command-Line Interface.

When you update Istio, the update iterates through each Istio release up to Release 1.19.9. When each node in the cluster is updated to the next Istio release, the cluster's health is validated. If the cluster is healthy, the cycle of back up, update to the next release, and cluster validation starts again, until all nodes are updated to the latest Istio release.