3 Configuration Files

Describes the configuration files that can be used to customize the CLI command.

Kubernetes clusters and applications can be configured through a set of YAML configuration files and ocne command line arguments. Configuration is layered, with each layer of configuration taking precedence over the previous layer. The layered structure provides convenient reuse of parameters that would otherwise be duplicated into every deployment.

You can configure ocne subcommands using four hierarchical methods. The methods are (in hierarchical order):

  • Global defaults in the default configuration file, set in the $HOME/.ocne/defaults.yaml file. This file sets options for all ocne commands.

  • Global defaults in the default cluster configuration file, set in the $HOME/.ocne/ocne-config.yaml file. This file sets options for all ocne cluster commands.

  • Kubernetes cluster configuration files. These files set the options for individual clusters and can be any name.

  • Options provided with the ocne command.

Global defaults can be overridden by a global configuration file. Those values can in turn be overridden by a cluster or application specific configuration file. Finally, that entire stack of configuration can be overridden by ocne command line options.