4 libvirt Provider

Learn about the libvirt provider used to create Kubernetes clusters with libvirt.

The libvirt provider is the default cluster provider, and can be used to provision Kubernetes clusters using Kernel-based Virtual Machines (KVM). The Oracle KVM stack is used to install libvirt as this KVM version offers many more features for Oracle Linux systems.

The system used to create libvirt clusters must be a 64-bit x86 or 64-bit ARM system running Oracle Linux 8 or 9, and include the Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel Release 7 (UEK R7). The system must also include the Oracle KVM stack, not the default version.

For information on the Oracle KVM stack and libvirt, see the Oracle Linux: KVM User's Guide.

The libvirt provider provisions Kubernetes clusters using libvirt on a single host, and is useful for creating and destroying Kubernetes clusters for testing and development. While the libvirt provider can be used for test and development clusters, it does deploy a production worthy cluster configuration.


As all libvirt cluster nodes are running on a single host, be aware that if the host running the cluster goes down, so do all the cluster nodes.

The libvirt provider is also used to provision Kubernetes clusters when using some CLI commands. This cluster type is often referred to as an ephemeral cluster. An ephemeral cluster is a single node cluster that lives for a short time and is created and destroyed as needed by the CLI. An existing cluster can be used as an ephemeral cluster by including the location of a kubeconfig file as an option with CLI commands.

Single and multi node clusters can be created on Oracle Linux 8 and 9, on both 64-bit x86 and 64-bit ARM systems. Because all cluster nodes run on a single host, it's not possible to create hybrid clusters. However, it's possible to use an ARM system to create a remote cluster on x86 hardware and, conversely, x86 hardware can be used to create a remote cluster on ARM.

The libvirt provider requires the target system to be running libvirt and requires that the user be configured to have access to libvirt. Oracle Cloud Native Environment implements a libvirt connection using the legacy single-socket client. If local libvirt clusters are created, the UNIX domain socket is used.

To create Kubernetes clusters on a remote system, enable a remote transport mechanism for libvirt. We recommend you set up SSH key-based authentication to the remote system as a normal user, and that you configure the user with the privilege to run libvirt. You can, however, use any of the libvirt remote transport options. For more information on libvirt remote transports, see the upstream libvirt documentation.

Most remote cluster deployments leverage the qemu+ssh transport, which uses SSH to tunnel the UNIX domain socket back to the CLI. Oracle Cloud Native Environment doesn't configure the libvirt transports or system services. This must be set up correctly, according to the documentation for the OS.

Clusters created with the libvirt provider create a tunnel so the cluster can be accessed through a port on the host where the cluster is deployed. The port range starts at 6443 and increments from there. As clusters are deleted, the ports are freed. If a cluster is created on a remote system, ensure a range of ports are accessible through the system firewall, starting at 6443.


You can disable the firewall in a testing environment, however we don't recommend this for production systems.

Use the ocne cluster start command to create a Kubernetes cluster using the libvirt provider. As this provider is the default, you don't need to specify the provider type. For example:

ocne cluster start

This command creates a single node cluster using all the default options, and installs the UI and application catalog.

You can add extra command line options to the ocne cluster start command to set up the cluster with non default settings, such as the number of control plane and worker nodes. For information on these command options, see Oracle Cloud Native Environment: CLI.

You can also customize the default settings by adding options to the default configuration file, the default cluster configuration file, or a configuration file specific to the cluster you want to create. For information on these configuration files, see Cluster Configuration Files and Oracle Cloud Native Environment: CLI.

For clusters started on systems with access to privileged libvirt instances, two kubeconfig files are created when you create a cluster, one for access to the local cluster, and one that can be used on the remote cluster host.