Release 2.0

Release 2.0 of Oracle Cloud Native Environment provides a new way of creating and managing Kubernetes clusters, compared to previous releases. This section lists new features introduced in this release.


The Oracle Cloud Native Environment CLI (CLI) is the command line tool to create and manage Kubernetes clusters in Oracle Cloud Native Environment. The CLI (ocne command) includes a help system to show all command options, and a set of configuration files at various levels to configure the environment and Kubernetes clusters.


This is a new CLI and isn't backwardly compatible with the CLI (olcnectl) in previous releases.

For more information on using the CLI, see Oracle Cloud Native Environment: CLI.

Oracle Container Host for Kubernetes (OCK) Images

Oracle Cloud Native Environment includes a CLI that can manage the life cycle of Kubernetes clusters, using OSTree based container images. The container image includes both the host Oracle Linux OS, and the Kubernetes software distribution. The image is deployed to hosts or Virtual Machines (VMs) to create nodes in a Kubernetes cluster. This image is referred to in this documentation as the Oracle Container Host for Kubernetes (OCK) image.

The OCK image is distributed on the Oracle Container Registry in the following formats:

Bootable image

This is a container image in the Qcow2 format, available at:

The bootable image contains a single VM image in the Qcow2 format, and is used to create boot media for virtualized platforms. This image is used as the boot media for clusters created with the libvirt and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure providers.

By default, the image is configured to work with the libvirt provider. A conversion of the boot image to the appropriate format for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure can be performed automatically when you upload the image to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

OSTree image

This is an OSTree commit based container image, available at:

This image is used as the basis for an OSTree archive for customized installations using the Bring Your Own provider.

This image is also used for updating cluster nodes to stage patch updates, and to update to the next Kubernetes minor release.

For information on OSTree containers, see the upstream OSTree documentation.

For more information on the OCK image, see Oracle Cloud Native Environment: Kubernetes Clusters.

Cluster Providers

Oracle Cloud Native Environment includes the following providers, which use the OCK image to create Kubernetes clusters:

libvirt Provider

The libvirt provider can be used to provision clusters in a Kernel-based Virtual Machine/QEMU (KVM) environment. This is the default provider.

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Provider

The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure provider can be used to create clusters on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. This provider uses the Kubernetes Cluster API to provision the clusters.

Bring Your Own Provider

The Bring Your Own provider can be used to create clusters on bare metal or other virtual instances, not provided explicitly by Oracle Cloud Native Environment.

For information on using these providers to create clusters, see Oracle Cloud Native Environment: Kubernetes Clusters.

Application Catalogs

Oracle Cloud Native Environment provides application catalogs for deploying Cloud Native applications into a Kubernetes cluster.

An application catalog is a searchable collection of software that can be installed into a Kubernetes cluster. Two types of application catalogs can be configured within a cluster: an Oracle catalog, and an external community catalog.

An application catalog is set up in two flavors: a Helm repository, and a service that's compatible with Artifact Hub (an external catalog). The Oracle catalog is a Helm repository, while an external catalog typically points to and is compatible with Artifact Hub.

For information on using application catalogs and installing applications into a cluster, see Oracle Cloud Native Environment: Applications.

Web-Based UI

The Oracle Cloud Native Environment UI (UI) provides a web-based interface to manage the maintenance and installation of Kubernetes cluster resources, and applications.

The UI is based on the open source Kubernetes UI Headlamp application. For more information on the Headlamp project, see the upstream Headlamp documentation.

For information on installing the UI, see Oracle Cloud Native Environment: Kubernetes Clusters and for information on using the UI to install applications, see Oracle Cloud Native Environment: Applications.