7 Administration Tasks

This chapter provides information about Oracle Linux Automation Manager administrative tasks.

About Administering Oracle Linux Automation Manager

The following sections provide information about basic administrative tasks.

Starting, Stopping, and Restarting Oracle Linux Automation Manager

To start Oracle Linux Automation Manager , do the following:
  1. Open a console.

  2. Start the Oracle Linux Automation Manager service:

    sudo systemctl start ol-automation-manager
To stop Oracle Linux Automation Manager , do the following:
  1. Open a console.

  2. Stop the Oracle Linux Automation Manager service:

    sudo systemctl stop ol-automation-manager
To restart Oracle Linux Automation Manager , do the following:
  1. Open a console.

  2. Restart the Oracle Linux Automation Manager service:

    sudo systemctl restart ol-automation-manager

Accessing Log Files

Oracle Linux Automation Manager and other applications generates log files that can be useful for troubleshooting various issues.

To access and review the log files, do the following:
  1. Open a terminal on the system that is running Oracle Linux Automation Manager.

  2. Go to the following locations to review application log files: .

    • For Oracle Linux Automation Manager log files, see /var/log/tower.

    • For NGINX log files, see /var/log/nginx.

    • For Redis log files, see /var/log/redis.

    • For Postgresql, see /var/lib/pgsql/data/log and /var/lib/pgsql/initdb_postgresql.log.

  3. Review the logs.


    To find all error messages in all log files in the folder, use the following command: cat * | grep -i error.

Accessing Application Status

You can view Oracle Linux Automation Manager and other application statuses using the systemctl command that can be useful for troubleshooting various issues.

To view application status messages relating to Oracle Linux Automation Manager and other applications, do the following:
  1. Open a terminal on the system that is running Oracle Linux Automation Manager.

  2. Run the following commands:
    • For Oracle Linux Automation Manager, type sudo systemctl status ol-automation-manager.

    • For NGINX, type sudo systemctl status nginx.

    • For Postgresql, type sudo systemctl status postgresql.

    • For Redis, type sudo systemctl status redis.

  3. Review the application status messages and ensure that all are in the Active (running) state. Investigate any error messages.

  4. If you find error messages from the status commands, you can investigate further by running the following commands:
    • For Oracle Linux Automation Manager, type sudo journalctl -u ol-automation-manager.

    • For NGINX, type sudo journalctl -u nginx.

    • For Postgresql, type sudo journalctl -u postgresql.

    • For Redis, type sudo journalctl -u redis.

Upgrading Oracle Linux Automation Manager

To upgrade the Oracle Linux Automation Manager server, do the following:
  1. Open a console.

  2. Stop the Oracle Linux Automation Manager service:

    sudo systemctl stop ol-automation-manager
  3. Update Oracle Linux Automation Manager:

    sudo dnf update ol-automation-manager
  4. Run the following commands:

    sudo su -l awx -s /bin/bash
    awx-manage setup_managed_credential_types
  5. Exit the awx shell environment.

  6. Start the Oracle Linux Automation Manager service:

    sudo systemctl start ol-automation-manager

Configuring New Credential Types

Administrators can create new credential types using YAML/JSON. For more information about creating new credential types, see the upstream documentation.

To create a new credential type, do the following:

  1. Log into Oracle Linux Automation Manager.

  2. Expand the navigation menu, and from the Administration section, click Credential Types.

    The Credential Types page appears.

  3. Click the Plus icon.

    The New Credential Type page appears.

  4. In the Name field, enter the name for the new credential type.

  5. In the Input Configuration field, enter input using JSON or YAML syntax.

  6. In the Injector Configuration field, enter injectors using JSON or YAML syntax.

  7. Click Save.

    You can now use the credential type when creating new credentials.

Configuring Notification Templates

You can create a notification template to define notification types and methods that can be generated at various times and for various resources.

To configure a notification template, do the following:

  1. Log into Oracle Linux Automation Manager.

  2. Expand the navigation menu, and from the Administration section, click Notifications.

    The Notifications page appears.

  3. Click the Plus icon.

    The New Notification Template page appears.

  4. In the Name field, enter the name for the new notification template.

  5. From the Organization list, select an organization.

  6. From the Type list, select a notification type, for example Email.

  7. Review the upstream documentation for more information about configuring these notification types.

  8. Click Save.

    You can now use this notification template with various resources.

Creating and Scheduling Management Jobs

Management Jobs are built-in Jobs relating managing aging data in Oracle Linux Automation Manager and include the following jobs:

  • Cleanup Activity Stream: This management job removes activity stream history older than a specified age.

  • Cleanup Expired OAuth 2 Tokens: This management job removes OAuth 2 access tokens and refresh tokens that are expired.

  • Cleanup Expired Sessions: This management job removes browser sessions from the database that are expired.

  • Cleanup Job Details: This management job removes job history older than a specified age.

To launch a management job, do the following:

  1. Log into Oracle Linux Automation Manager.

  2. Expand the navigation menu, and from the Administration section, click Management Jobs.

    The Management Jobs page appears.

  3. Click the rocket icon.

    A dialog box may appear in some management jobs to specify how many days of data should be retained. If so, specify the number of days that data should be retained.

  4. Click Launch.

To schedule a management job, do the following:

  1. Log into Oracle Linux Automation Manager.

  2. Expand the navigation menu, and from the Administration section, click Management Jobs.

    The Management Jobs page appears.

  3. Click the calendar icon for the management job you want schedule.

    The Schedules page appears.

  4. Click the Plus icon.

    The Add Schedule page appears.

  5. In the Name field, enter the name of the schedule.

  6. In the Start Date field, enter a start date.

  7. In the Start Time field, enter the hours, minutes and seconds for the start time.

  8. From the Local Time Zone list, select a time zone.

  9. From the Repeat Frequency, select one of the following:

    • None (run once)

    • Minute

    • Hour

    • Day

    • Week

    • Month

    • Year

    When you select any option other than None, the Frequency Details area and fields appears.

  10. In the Days of Data to Keep field, enter the number of days to retain data before deleting it.

  11. In the Every field, enter the frequency to repeat the management job.

    • If you selected a Repeat Frequency of Minute, enter the number of minutes.

    • If you selected a Repeat Frequency of Hour, enter the number of hours.

    • If you entered a Repeat Frequency of Day, enter the number of days.

    • If you entered a Repeat Frequency of Week, enter the number of weeks. Additionally, the On Days list appears. Select one or more days of the week.

    • If you entered a Repeat Frequency of Month, do the following: Additionally, the On Day field appears. Enter the day of the month.

      1. Enter the number of months.

      2. If you want to specify a day on which start the management job, select On Day, and enter the day.

      3. If you want to specify a week and day, select On The, select the first, second, third, fourth, or last week of the month, and select the day of the week.

  12. From the End list, select one of the following:

    • Never

    • After

    • On Date

  13. Review the Schedule Description area dates.

  14. Click Save.

Configuring Settings

You can configure general Oracle Linux Automation Manager settings from the Administration section on the Settings page. These settings are grouped into the following categories:

  • Authentication: Provides general settings relating to authentication.

  • Jobs: Provides general settings relating to jobs.

  • Systems: Provides general settings relating to the Oracle Linux Automation Manager system.

  • User Interface: Provides general settings relating to the Oracle Linux Automation Manager user interface.

For more information about these fields, see the upstream documentation.