4 Working with Execution Environments

The Private Automation Hub can host execution environments which are containers that you can use with Oracle Linux Automation Manager control and execution plane nodes. Working with execution environment containers requires having a user that is a member of a group with permissions to manage execution environments. See Setting Up Permissions for Groups, and Users for more information about groups and permissions to determine how to configure Private Automation Hub for your content curators and developers.

Configure a Remote Container Registry

To configure a connection to a remote container registry, such as the Oracle Container Registry, do the following:

  1. Log into Private Automation Hub.

  2. From the Execution Environments section, click Remote Registries.

    The Remote Registries page appears.

  3. Click Add remote registry.

    The Add remote registry dialogue appears.

  4. In the Name field, enter a name. For example, Oracle Conatiner Registry.
  5. In the URL field, enter a base URL for the remote container registry. For example, https://container-registry.oracle.com/.
  6. In the Username field, enter a user name.
  7. In the Password field, enter a password.
  8. Click Show advanced options.
  9. In the Proxy URL field, enter a proxy URL if required by your network.
  10. In the Proxy username field, enter a user name.
  11. In the Proxy Password field, enter a password.
  12. If required, enable TLS validation.
  13. In the Client key field, enter a PEM encoded private key for TLS authentication.
  14. In the Client certificate field, enter a PEM encoded client certificate for TLS authentication.
  15. From the Download concurrency list, select the total number of simultaneous connections, if required.
  16. From the Rate Limit field, enter a limit for the total download rate in requests per second.
  17. Click Save.

Creating an Execution Environment with Remote Registry

To create an execution environment created with a remote container registry, do the following:
  1. Log into Private Automation Hub.

  2. From the Execution Environments section, click Execution Environments.

    The Execution Environments page appears.

  3. Click Add execution environments.

    The Add execution environment appears.

  4. In the Name field, enter an execution environment name to represent the container image. Container names can only contain alphanumeric characters, ".", "_", "-" and a up to one "/". For example, olamprivatehub-ee.
  5. In the Upstream name field, the namespace/name format for containers that use a namespace. Use the library/name format with containers that use a library. For example, oracle_linux_automation_manager/olam-ee.
  6. From the Registry list, select a remote registry that you have configured. For more information, see Configure a Remote Container Registry.
  7. In the add tag(s) to include, enter the name of the tag you want to include from the remote registry. For example, latest.
  8. Click Add.

    The added tag appears in the Currently included tags list.

  9. In the add tag(s) to exclude, enter the name of the tag you want to exclude from the remote registry. For example, dev.
  10. Click Add.

    The added tag appears in the Currently excluded tags list.

  11. Click Save.

    The new execution environment appears in the Execution Environment page.

Synchronizing an Execution Environment from a Remote Registry

To synchronize an execution environment from a remote registry, do the following:
  1. Log into Private Automation Hub.

  2. From the Execution Environments section, click Execution Environments.

    The Execution Environments page appears.

  3. Click the menu button on the container you want to synchronize.
  4. Click Sync from registry.

    An info alert dialogue box appears stating Sync started for execution environment "<container_name>". See the task management detail page for the status of this task. If a new version of the container exists, the new version is uploaded and the Last Modified field changes to the present time.

View Execution Environment Details

To view execution environment details, do the following:
  1. Log into Private Automation Hub.

  2. From the Execution Environments section, click Execution Environments.

    The Execution Environments page appears.

  3. Click the container repository name.

    The Detail tab appears with the command to pull the image using Podman.

  4. Click the Activity tab.

    A list of changes and the dates when the changes occurred appear.

  5. Click the Images tab.

    Information about different versions of the image appears. You can add or edit tags or delete the image.

  6. Click the Owners tab.
  7. If you want associate the execution environment to a new group, click Select a group.

    The Select a group dialog appears.

  8. From the list, select a group.
  9. Click Next.
  10. From the list, select one or more roles.

    The preview area appears.

  11. Click Add.