4 Using Views

This chapter describes how to use Oracle Linux Automation Manager views.

Using the Dashboard

The Dashboard view provides a summary of the latest state of your jobs, inventories, hosts, and projects.

To view the Dashboard, do the following:
  1. Log into Oracle Linux Automation Manager with an administrator user account.

  2. Display the left navigation menu if it is not already visible by toggling the Global navigation menu button in the top-left corner of the page.

  3. From the Views section, click Dashboard.

The Dashboard page consists of the following groups of controls:

Statistic Buttons

At the top of the page there is a row of clickable buttons with high level summary statistics for hosts, inventories, and projects.

Job activity tabs
The tabs available are
  1. Job status
  2. Recent Jobs
  3. Recent Templates

When the dashboard page loads the Job status tab is selected by default and displays a graph of historical data for various job activities.

The following sections describe the groups of controls in more detail.

Statistic Buttons

The statistic buttons consolidate the following statistics in one display area:

The Hosts button shows the total number of hosts included in all inventories to which the user has access.

Clicking the Hosts button takes you to the Hosts page.

Failed Hosts

The Failed Hosts button shows the number of hosts, to which the user has access, where the last job failed.

Clicking the Failed Hosts button takes you to a view that lists these hosts.


The Inventories button shows the total number of inventories to which the user has access.

Clicking the Inventories button takes you to the inventories page.

Inventory Sync Failures

The Inventory Sync Failures button shows the number of inventories, to which the user has access, where synchronization with source inventory lists have failed.

Clicking the Inventory Sync Failures button takes you to a view that lists these inventories.


The Projects button shows the total number of projects to which the user has access.

Clicking the Projects button takes you to the Projects page.

Project Sync Failure

The Project Sync Failure button shows the number of projects, to which the user has access, where synchronization with the source Oracle Linux Automation Engine playbook have failed.

Clicking the Project Sync Failure button takes you to a view that lists these projects.

Jobs Activity Tabs

The following list describes the job activity tabs.

Job status
This tab consists of a configurable graph that displays historical data for various job activities. You can select from the following filter options to configure the graph to view the data you are most interested in:
  1. Time Period

    The time period filter options are Past month, Past two weeks, Past week, and Past 24 hours.

  2. Job Type

    The time period filter options are All job types, Inventory sync, SCM update, and Playbook run.

  3. Status

    The Status filter options are All jobs, Successful jobs, and Failed jobs.

Recent Jobs

The Recent Jobs tab shows a table of the most recently run jobs. The table includes job status as well as start and finish times for each job.

Each job that can be relaunched also has a Relaunch Job button in its row.

Recent Templates

The Recent Templates tab shows a table of the most recently used templates.

The templates that can be launched have Launch Template button in their rows.

Viewing Jobs

To view the Jobs page, do the following:

  1. Log into Oracle Linux Automation Manager with an administrator user account.

  2. Display the left navigation menu if it is not already visible by toggling the Global navigation menu button in the top-left corner of the page.

  3. From the Views section, click Jobs.

The Jobs view table that lists all activities that have been run in Oracle Linux Automation Manager including job template runs, workflow runs, project synchronizations, inventory synchronizations, one-off commands on hosts, and so on.

The table columns are described in the following list:

Column 1 (Unnamed column)

The first column contains a toggle button to expand or collapse the row.

Expanding the row reveals more fields relating to the job, for example Launched By, Project and Inventory.

Column 2 (Unnamed column)

The second column contains a check box that enables you to select the row.


The Name column contains the name of the job.

You can sort by this column by clicking the column header.


The Status column contains the status of the job, for example Running, Successful, Failed.

You can sort by this column by clicking the column header.

If the job is in Running status you have the option of canceling it by selecting the check box in the leftmost column and clicking the Cancel jobs button.


The Type column contains the type of job, for example Management Job, Command, Playbook Run.

Start Time

The Start Time column contains the Start time of job.

You can sort by this column by clicking the column header.

Finish Time

The Finish Time column contains the Finish time of job.

You can sort by this column by clicking the column header.


This column contains a Relaunch Job button if the job can be relaunched.

Viewing Scheduled Activities

To view the Schedules page, do the following:
  1. Log into Oracle Linux Automation Manager with an administrator user account.

  2. Display the left navigation menu if it is not already visible by toggling the Global navigation menu button in the top-left corner of the page.

  3. From the Views section, click Schedules.

The Schedules view displays a table that shows scheduled management jobs, job template runs, workflow template runs, and project SCM updates from the Schedules view.

The table columns are described in the following list:

Column 1 (Unnamed column)

The first column contains a check box that enables you to select the row.


The Name column contains the name the name of the schedule.

You can sort by this column by clicking the column header.


The Type column contains the type of the schedule, for example Management Job.

Next Run

The Next Run column contains the date and time of the next scheduled run.

You can sort by this column by clicking the column header.

The Action column contains the following buttons:
  • Edit Schedule button that enables you to click and edit the schedule.
  • Schedule is active on/off toggle switch that enables you to toggle the active setting of the schedule.

Viewing Activity Streams

The Activity Stream page displays table that lists changes that have taken place on all objects in Oracle Linux Automation Manager, for example edits and updates on jobs, inventories, credentials, users, schedules etc.

To view the Activity Stream page, do the following:
  1. Log into Oracle Linux Automation Manager with an administrator user account.

  2. Display the left navigation menu if it is not already visible by toggling the Global navigation menu button in the top-left corner of the page.

  3. From the Views section, click Activity Stream.


You can also use the View activity stream Button on Pages

In addition to the Activity Stream link in the left navigation menu, you can also click the View activity stream button in the top-right corner of most pages.

One advantage of the buttons on the pages is that they append a filter parameter to the Activity Stream URL so the view initially shows only the data that relates to the object you are currently viewing. For example, the View activity stream button on the Jobs page points to https://olam.example.com/#/activity_stream?type=job .

The columns of the table displaying the changes are described in the following list:


The time column contains the date and time of the change.

You can sort by this column by clicking the column header.

Initiated by

The Initiated by column gives the user name of the account that initiated the change.

You can sort by this column by clicking the column header.


The Event column describes the change.

The following are example entries from a test system:
  • updated job_template Sample Yum
  • associated MyTestOrg execute_role to NewUser1

The Actions column contains a View event details button. Clicking the button displays an event log for the change.


You can set a filter on the Activity Stream view to limit the events to a particular object. The following filters are available from the Options menu drop-down list in the top-right of the page.

The following filters options are available:
  • Views
  • Dashboard (all activity)
  • Jobs
  • Schedules
  • Workflow Approvals
  • Resources
  • Templates
  • Credentials
  • Projects
  • Inventories
  • Hosts
  • Access
  • Organizations
  • Users
  • Teams
  • Administration
  • Credential Types
  • Notification Templates
  • Instances
  • Instance Groups
  • Applications & Tokens
  • Execution Environments
  • Settings