4 Fixed Issues

This chapter describes issues that are fixed in Oracle Linux 7.5.

Note that additional issues specific to the kernel that you are using might also be resolved. If you are using the default UEK R4U6, please see Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel: Release Notes for Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel Release 4 Update 6 (4.1.12-112). If you are using an alternate UEK release or update, please refer to the appropriate release notes for this kernel version, at Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel documentation.

Issue with OpenSSH not updating login records with SSH client's host name resolved

An issue that changed the default behavior of OpenSSH so that login records such as /var/run/utmp and other files with the SSH client's host name were not updated after an installation or upgrade has been fixed. (Bug ID 26286750)

Issue that prevented systems with Broadcom MegaRAID 9460 controller from booting after installation resolved

This update includes the MegaRAID_sas v7.x. driver on installation media, which resolves an issue that prevented certain systems with the RAID controllers based LSI SAS3500 and LSI SAS3700 chips (which depend on the megaraid_sas v7.x driver) from booting after an installation. Affected systems included, but were not necessarily limited to the Intel® Xeon® E3 v5, Intel® Xeon® Platinum 8100, Intel® Xeon® Gold 6100, Intel® Xeon® Gold 5100, Intel® Xeon® Silver 4100 and Intel® Xeon® Bronze 3100 families of processors (formerly known as Skylake). (Bug ID 26426929)