Using systemd to Manage cgroups v2

The preferred method of managing resource allocation with cgroups v2 is to use the control group functionality provided by systemd.


For information on enabling cgroups v2 functionality on your system, see Enabling cgroups v2

By default, systemd creates a cgroup folder for each systemd service set up on the host. systemd names these folders using the format servicename.service, where servicename is the name of the service associated with the folder.

To see a list of the cgroup folders systemd creates for the services, run the ls command on the system.slice branch of the cgroup file system as shown in the following sample code block:

ls /sys/fs/cgroup/system.slice/
...                     ...                           ...
app_service1.service    cgroup.subtree_control        httpd.service
app_service2.service    chronyd.service               ...  
...                     crond.service                 ...
cgroup.controllers      dbus-broker.service           ...           dtprobed.service              ...
cgroup.freeze           firewalld.service             ...
...                     gssproxy.service              ...
...                     ...                           ...
In the preceding command block:
  • The folders app_service1.service and app_service2.service represent custom application services you might have on your system.

In addition to service control groups, systemd also creates a cgroup folder for each user on the host. To see the cgroups created for each user you can run the ls command on the user.slice branch of the cgroup file system as shown in the following sample code block:

ls /sys/fs/cgroup/user.slice/
cgroup.controllers      cgroup.subtree_control        user-1001.slice           cgroup.threads                user-982.slice
cgroup.freeze           cgroup.type                   ...
...                     ...                           ...
...                     ...                           ...
...                     ...                           ...

In the preceding code block:

  • Each user cgroup folder is named using the format user-UID.slice. So, control group user-1001.slice is for a user whose UID is 1001, for example.

systemd provides high-level access to the cgroups and kernel resource controller features so you do not have to access the file system directly. For example, to set the CPU weight of a service called app_service1.service, you might choose to run the systemctl set-property command as follows:

sudo systemctl set-property app_service1.service CPUWeight=150

Thus, systemd enables you to manage resource distribution at an application level, rather than the process PID level used when configuring cgroups without using systemd functionality.

About Slices and Resource Allocation in systemd

This section looks at the way systemd initially divides each of the default kernel controllers, for example CPU, memory and blkio, into portions called "slices" as illustrated by the following example pie chart:


You can also create your own custom slices for resource distribution, as shown in section Setting Resource Controller Options and Creating Custom Slices.

Figure 7-1 Pie chart illustrating distribution in a resource controller, such as CPU or Memory

Pie chart with 3 equal-sized slices, labelled System, Machine, and User. User and System are further divided into sub-slices.

As the preceding pie chart shows, by default each resource controller is divided equally between the following 3 slices:

  • System (system.slice).

  • User (user.slice).

  • Machine (machine.slice).

The following list looks at each slice more closely. For the purposes of discussion, the examples in the list focus on the CPU controller.

System (system.slice)

This resource slice is used for managing resource allocation amongst daemons and service units.

As shown in the preceding example pie chart, the system slice is divided into further sub-slices. For example, in the case of CPU resources, we might have sub-slice allocations within the system slice that include the following:
  • httpd.service (CPUWeight=100)

  • sshd.service (CPUWeight =100)

  • crond.service (CPUWeight =100)

  • app1.service (CPUWeight =100)

  • app2.service (CPUWeight =100)

In the preceding list, app1.service and app2.service represent custom application services you might have running on your system.
User (user.slice)
This resource slice is used for managing resource allocation amongst user sessions. A single slice is created for each UID irrespective of how many logins the associated user has active on the server. Continuing with our pie chart example, the sub-slices might be as follows:
  • user1 (CPUWeight=100, UID=982)

  • user2 (CPUWeight=100, UID=1001)

Machine (machine.slice)
This slice of the resource is used for managing resource allocation amongst hosted virtual machines, such as KVM guests, and Linux Containers. The machine slice is only present on a server if the server is hosting virtual machines or Linux Containers.


Share allocations do not set a maximum limit for a resource.

For instance, in the preceding examples, the slice user.slice has 2 users: user1 and user2. Each user is allocated an equal share of the CPU resource available to the parent user.slice. However, if the processes associated with user1 are idle, and do not require any CPU resource, then its CPU share is available for allocation to user2 if needed. In such a situation, user2 might even be allocated the entire CPU resource apportioned to the parent user.slice if it is required by other users.

To cap CPU resource, you would need to set the CPUQuota property to the required percentage.

Slices, Services, and Scopes in the cgroup Hierarchy

The pie chart analogy used in the preceding sections is a helpful way to conceptualize the division of resources into slices. However, in terms of structural organization, the control groups are arranged in a hierarchy. You can view the systemd control group hierarchy on your system by running the systemd-cgls command as follows:


To see the entire cgroup hierarchy, starting from the root slice -.slice, as in the following example, ensure you run systemd-cgls from outside of the control group mount point /sys/fs/cgroup/. Otherwise, If you run the command from within /sys/fs/cgroup/, the output starts from the cgroup location from which the command was run. See systemd-cgls(1) for more information.

Control group /:
├─user.slice (#1429)
│ → user.invocation_id: 604cf5ef07fa4bb4bb86993bb5ec15e0
│ ├─user-982.slice (#4131)
│ │ → user.invocation_id: 9d0d94d7b8a54bcea2498048911136c8
│ │ ├─session-c1.scope (#4437)
│ │ │ ├─2416 /usr/bin/sudo -u ocarun /usr/libexec/oracle-cloud-agent/plugins/runcommand/runcommand
│ │ │ └─2494 /usr/libexec/oracle-cloud-agent/plugins/runcommand/runcommand
│ │ └─user@982.service … (#4199)
│ │   → user.delegate: 1
│ │   → user.invocation_id: 37c7aed7aa6e4874980b79616acf0c82
│ │   └─init.scope (#4233)
│ │     ├─2437 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --user
│ │     └─2445 (sd-pam)
│ └─user-1001.slice (#7225)
│   → user.invocation_id: ce93ad5f5299407e9477964494df63b7
│   ├─session-2.scope (#7463)
│   │ ├─20304 sshd: oracle [priv]
│   │ ├─20404 sshd: oracle@pts/0
│   │ ├─20405 -bash
│   │ ├─20441 systemd-cgls
│   │ └─20442 less
│   └─user@1001.service … (#7293)
│     → user.delegate: 1
│     → user.invocation_id: 70284db060c1476db5f3633e5fda7fba
│     └─init.scope (#7327)
│       ├─20395 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --user
│       └─20397 (sd-pam)
├─init.scope (#19)
│ └─1 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --switched-root --system --deserialize 28
└─system.slice (#53)
  ├─dbus-broker.service (#2737)
  │ → user.invocation_id: 2bbe054a2c4d49809b16cb9c6552d5a6
  │ ├─1450 /usr/bin/dbus-broker-launch --scope system --audit
  │ └─1457 dbus-broker --log 4 --controller 9 --machine-id 852951209c274cfea35a953ad2964622 --max-bytes 536870912 --max-fds 4096 --max-matches 131072 --audit
  ├─chronyd.service (#2805)
  │ → user.invocation_id: e264f67ad6114ad5afbe7929142faa4b
  │ └─1482 /usr/sbin/chronyd -F 2
  ├─auditd.service (#2601)
  │ → user.invocation_id: f7a8286921734949b73849b4642e3277
  │ ├─1421 /sbin/auditd
  │ └─1423 /usr/sbin/sedispatch
  ├─tuned.service (#3349)
  │ → user.invocation_id: fec7f73678754ed687e3910017886c5e
  │ └─1564 /usr/bin/python3 -Es /usr/sbin/tuned -l -P
  ├─systemd-journald.service (#1837)
  │ → user.invocation_id: bf7fb22ba12f44afab3054aab661aedb
  │ └─1068 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-journald
  ├─atd.service (#3961)
  │ → user.invocation_id: 1c59679265ab492482bfdc9c02f5eec5
  │ └─2146 /usr/sbin/atd -f
  ├─sshd.service (#3757)
  │ → user.invocation_id: 57e195491341431298db233e998fb180
  │ └─2097 sshd: /usr/sbin/sshd -D [listener] 0 of 10-100 startups
  ├─crond.service (#3995)
  │ → user.invocation_id: 4f5b380a53db4de5adcf23f35d638ff5
  │ └─2150 /usr/sbin/crond -n

The preceding sample output shows how all "*.slice" control groups reside under the root slice -.slice. Beneath the root slice you can see the user.slice and system.slice control groups, each with their own child cgroup sub-slices.

Examining the systemd-cgls command output you can see how, with the exception of root -.slice , all processes are on leaf nodes. This arrangement is enforced by cgroups v2, in a rule called the "no internal processes" rule. See cgroups (7) for more information about the "no internal processes" rule.

The output in the preceding systemd-cgls command example also shows how slices can have descendent child control groups that are systemd scopes. systemd scopes are reviewed in the following section.

systemd Scopes

systemd scope is a systemd unit type that groups together system service worker processes that have been launched independently of systemd. The scope units are transient cgroups created programmatically using the bus interfaces of systemd.

For example, in the following sample code, the user with UID 1001 has run the systemd-cgls command, and the output shows session-2.scope has been created for processes the user has spawned independently of systemd (including the process for the command itself , 21380 sudo systemd-cgls):


In the following example, the command has been run from within the control group mount point /sys/fs/cgroup/. Hence, instead of the root slice, the output starts from the cgroup location from which the command was run.
sudo systemd-cgls
Working directory /sys/fs/cgroup:
├─user.slice (#1429)
│ → user.invocation_id: 604cf5ef07fa4bb4bb86993bb5ec15e0
│ → trusted.invocation_id: 604cf5ef07fa4bb4bb86993bb5ec15e0
│ └─user-1001.slice (#7225)
│   → user.invocation_id: ce93ad5f5299407e9477964494df63b7
│   → trusted.invocation_id: ce93ad5f5299407e9477964494df63b7
│   ├─session-2.scope (#7463)
│   │ ├─20304 sshd: oracle [priv]
│   │ ├─20404 sshd: oracle@pts/0
│   │ ├─20405 -bash
│   │ ├─21380 sudo systemd-cgls
│   │ ├─21382 systemd-cgls
│   │ └─21383 less
│   └─user@1001.service … (#7293)
│     → user.delegate: 1
│     → trusted.delegate: 1
│     → user.invocation_id: 70284db060c1476db5f3633e5fda7fba
│     → trusted.invocation_id: 70284db060c1476db5f3633e5fda7fba
│     └─init.scope (#7327)
│       ├─20395 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --user
│       └─20397 (sd-pam)

Setting Resource Controller Options and Creating Custom Slices

systemd provides the following methods for setting resource controller options, such as CPUWeight, CPUQuota, and so on, to customize resource allocation on your system:

  • Using service unit files.

  • Using drop-in files.

  • Using the systemctl set-property command.

The following sections provide example procedures for using each of these methods to configure resources and slices in your system.

Using Service Unit Files

To set options in a service unit file, perform the following steps:

  1. Create file /etc/systemd/system/myservice1.service with the following content:

  2. The service created in the preceding step requires a bash script /usr/lib/systemd/ Create the file with the following content:

    for i in {1..4};do while : ; do : ; done & done
  3. Make the script runnable:

    sudo chmod +x /usr/lib/systemd/
  4. Enable and start the service:

    sudo systemctl enable myservice1 --now
  5. Run the systemd-cgls command and confirm the service myservice1 is running under system.slice:

    Control group /:
    ├─user.slice (#1429)
    └─system.slice (#53)
      ├─myservice1.service (#7939)
      │ → user.invocation_id: e227f8f288444fed92a976d391e6a897
      │ ├─22325 /bin/bash /usr/lib/systemd/
      │ ├─22326 /bin/bash /usr/lib/systemd/
      │ ├─22327 /bin/bash /usr/lib/systemd/
      │ └─22328 /bin/bash /usr/lib/systemd/
      ├─pmie.service (#4369)
      │ → user.invocation_id: 68fcd40071594481936edf0f1d7a8e12
  6. Create a custom slice for the service.

    Add the line Slice=my_custom_slice.slice to the [Service] section in the myservice1.service file, created in a previous step, as shown in the following code block:



    Use underscores instead of dashes to separate terms in slice names.

    In systemd, a dash in a slice name is a special character: in systemd, dashes in slice names are used to describe the full cgroup path to the slice (starting from the root slice). For example, if you specify a slice name as "my-custom-slice.slice", instead of creating a slice of that name, systemd creates the following cgroups path underneath the root slice: my.slice/my-custom.slice/my-custom-slice.slice.

  7. After editing the file, ensure systemd reloads its configuration files and then restart the service:

    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    sudo systemctl restart myservice1
  8. Run the systemd-cgls command and confirm the service myservice1 is now running under custom slice my_custom_slice:

    Control group /:
    ├─user.slice (#1429)
    ├─my_custom_slice.slice (#7973)
    │ → user.invocation_id: a8a493a8db1342be85e2cdf1e80255f8
    │ └─myservice1.service (#8007)
    │   → user.invocation_id: 9a4a6171f2844e479d4a0f347aac38ce
    │   ├─22385 /bin/bash /usr/lib/systemd/
    │   ├─22386 /bin/bash /usr/lib/systemd/
    │   ├─22387 /bin/bash /usr/lib/systemd/
    │   └─22388 /bin/bash /usr/lib/systemd/
    ├─init.scope (#19)
    │ └─1 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --switched-root --system --deserialize 28
    └─system.slice (#53)
      ├─irqbalance.service (#2907)
      │ → user.invocation_id: 00d64c9b9d224f179496a83536dd60bb
      │ └─1464 /usr/sbin/irqbalance --foreground

Using Drop-in Files

To use a drop-in file to configure resources, perform the following steps:

  1. Create the directory for your service drop-in file.


    The "drop-in" directory for drop-in files for a service is located at /etc/systemd/system/service_name.service.d where service_name is the name of the service.

    Continuing with our example with service myservice1, we would run the following command:

    sudo mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/myservice1.service.d/
  2. Create 2 drop-in files called 00-slice.conf and 10-CPUSettings.conf in the myservice1.service.d directory created in the preceding step.


    • Multiple drop-in files with different names are applied in lexicographic order.

    • These drop-in files take precedence over the service unit file.

    1. Add the following contents to 00-slice.conf

    2. And add the following contents to 10-CPUSettings.conf

  3. Create a second service (myservice2) and assign it a different CPUWeight to that assigned to myservice1:

    1. Create file /etc/systemd/system/myservice2.service with the following contents:

    2. The service created in the preceding step requires a bash script /usr/lib/systemd/ Create the file with the following content:

      for i in {1..4};do while : ; do : ; done & done
    3. Make the script runnable:

      sudo chmod +x /usr/lib/systemd/
    4. Create a drop in file /etc/systemd/system/myservice2.service.d/10-CPUSettings.conf for myservice2 with the following contents:

  4. Ensure systemd reloads its configuration files, and restart myservice1, and also enable and start myservices2:

    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    sudo systemctl restart myservice1
    sudo systemctl enable myservice2 --now
  5. Run the systemd-cgtop command to display control groups ordered by their resource usage. You can see from the following sample output how, in addition to the resource usage of each slice, the systemd-cgtop command displays resource usage breakdown within each slice, so you can use it to confirm your CPU weight has been divided as expected.

    Control Group                                     Tasks   %CPU   Memory  Input/s Output/s
    /                                                   228  198.8   712.5M        -        -
    my_custom_slice2.slice                                8  198.5     1.8M        -        -
    my_custom_slice2.slice/myservice2.service             4  132.8   944.0K        -        -
    my_custom_slice2.slice/myservice1.service             4   65.6   976.0K        -        -
    user.slice                                           18    0.9    43.9M        -        -
    user.slice/user-1001.slice                            6    0.9    13.7M        -        -
    user.slice/user-1001.slice/session-2.scope            4    0.9     9.4M        -        -
    system.slice                                         60    0.0   690.8M        -        -

Using systemctl set-property

The systemctl set-property command places the configuration files under the following location:



You must not manually edit the files systemctl set-property command creates.


The systemctl set-property command does not recognize every resource-control property used in the system-unit and drop-in files covered earlier in this topic.

The following procedure demonstrates how you can use the systemctl set-property command to configure resource allocation:

  1. Continuing with our example, create another service file at location /etc/systemd/system/myservice3.service with the following content:

  2. Set the slice for the service to be my_custom_slice2 (the same slice used by the services created in from earlier steps) by adding the following line to the [Service] section in the myservice3.service file:



    The slice must be set in the service-unit file because the systemctl set-property command does not recognize the Slice property.

  3. The service created in the preceding step requires a bash script /usr/lib/systemd/ Create the file with the following content:

    for i in {1..4};do while : ; do : ; done & done
  4. Make the script runnable:

    sudo chmod +x /usr/lib/systemd/
  5. Ensure systemd reloads its configuration files, and then enable and start the service:

    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    sudo systemctl enable myservice3 --now
  6. Optionally run the to systemd-cgtop confirm all 3 services, , myservice1, myservice2, and myservice3, are all running in the same slice.

  7. Use systemctl set-property command to set the CPUWeight for myservice3 to 800:

    sudo systemctl set-property myservice3.service CPUWeight=800
  8. You can optionally confirm that a drop-in file has been created for you under /etc/systemd/system.control/myservice3.service.d. However, you must not edit the file:

    cat /etc/systemd/system.control/myservice3.service.d/50-CPUWeight.conf
    # This is a drop-in unit file extension, created via "systemctl set-property"
    # or an equivalent operation. Do not edit.

    Ensure systemd reloads its configuration files, and restart all the services:

    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    sudo systemctl restart myservice1
    sudo systemctl restart myservice2
    sudo systemctl restart myservice3
  9. Run the systemd-cgtop command to confirm your CPU weight has been divided as expected:

    Control Group                                         Tasks   %CPU   Memory  Input/s Output/s
    /                                                       235  200.0   706.1M        -        -
    my_custom_slice2.slice                                   12  198.4     2.9M        -        -
    my_custom_slice2.slice/myservice3.service                 4  112.7   976.0K        -        -
    my_custom_slice2.slice/myservice2.service                 4   56.9   996.0K        -        -
    my_custom_slice2.slice/myservice1.service                 4   28.8   988.0K        -        -
    user.slice                                               18    0.9    44.1M        -        -
    user.slice/user-1001.slice                                6    0.9    13.9M        -        -
    user.slice/user-1001.slice/session-2.scope                4    0.9     9.5M        -        -