4 Managing Samba

This chapter includes information about managing Samba in Oracle Linux 8.

For information about local file system management in Oracle Linux, see Oracle Linux 8: Managing Local File Systems.

About Samba

Samba is an open source implementation of the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol that enables Oracle Linux to interoperate with clients that are running different OSs, including Windows, other Linux flavors, and macOS.

You can configure Samba to share both file and print resources from a Linux server. For example, you might use Samba to configure a Linux host to create a file share location that Windows users on the network can access using the following syntax:


In the preceding example:

  • samba_server is the IP address or a network resolvable host name of the system running the Samba service.
  • share_name is the name of the resource as defined in the Samba configuration file /etc/samba/smb.conf.


The format of the location path can vary depending upon the client operating system. For example, on Unix and Linux based OSs, including macOS, the path format might appear as follows: smb://samba_server/share_name.

Samba includes capability for integrating with a Windows workgroup and an Active Directory (AD) domain.

Samba implements the Distributed Computing Environment Remote Procedure Call (DCE RPC) protocol that's used by Microsoft Windows to provision file and print services for Windows clients.

Samba uses the NetBIOS over TCP/IP protocol so that computer applications that depend on the NetBIOS API can work on TCP/IP networks.

About Samba Services

The Samba server consists of the following important services:

smb Service

The smb service enables file sharing and printing services by using the SMB protocol. This service is also responsible for resource locking and for authenticating connecting users.

The smb systemd service starts and stops the smbd daemon. The following is an example command:
sudo systemctl start smb.service

To use the smbd service, you need to install the samba package on the system.

nmb Service

The nmb (NetBIOS Message Block) service provides host name and IP resolution by using the NetBIOS over IPv4 protocol. The nmb service also enables browsing of the SMB network to locate domains, workgroups, hosts, file shares, and printers.

The nmb systemd service starts and stops the nmbd daemon. The following is an example command:

sudo systemctl start nmb.service

To use the nmbd service, you need to install the samba package on the system.

winbind Service

The winbind service is a Name Service Switch (NSS) daemon for resolving AD Users and Groups. The daemon enables AD Users to securely access services that are hosted on the Samba server.

The winbind systemd service starts and stops the winbindd daemon. The following is an example command:

sudo systemctl start winbind.service

To use the winbindd service, install the samba-winbind package.


If you're setting up Samba as a domain member, you must start the winbind service before starting the smb service. Otherwise, domain users and groups aren't available to the local system.

About the Samba Configuration File

Samba uses the /etc/samba/smb.conf file to manage Samba configuration.

smb.conf File Structure Overview

The smb.conf file consists of several sections that you can configure to support the required services for a specific Samba configuration. Consider the following sample extract from an smb.conf file:

#========== Global Settings =======
security = ADS
password server = krbsvr.example.com
load printers = yes
printing = cups
printcap name = cups

#========== Share Definitions =========

comment = User home directories
path = /data/pchome/%S
valid users = %S, WWW.EXAMPLE.COM\%S
browsable = no
read only = no
guest ok = no

comment = All Printers
path = /var/spool/samba
printable = yes

comment = Shared /usr/local/test_share directory created for tests
path = /usr/local/test_share
valid users = @examplegroup
browsable = yes
read only = no

The following list describes the sections in the preceding configuration example:


This section contains global settings for the Samba server.

In the preceding example, the security parameter value of ADS means the server is a member of an AD domain that's running in native mode. In this scenario, Samba relies on tickets issued by the Kerberos server to authenticate clients who want to access local services.

The [homes] section provides a personal share for users that log onto the Samba server. In the example, the location of each user's home directory is set by the line path = /data/pchome/%S (the %S macro is substituted with the username). The settings for browsable = no and read only = no prevent other users from browsing home directories, while granting full access to valid users.


Be careful with settings, such as security, especially in the special sections [global], [homes], and [printers].

For example, if guest access is specified in the [homes] section, all home directories are visible to all clients without a password.

You might consider using the invalid users parameter for users such as root and other users with administrative privileges.


Specifies support for print services. The path parameter specifies the location of a spooling directory that receives print jobs from Windows clients before submitting them to the local print spooler.

Samba advertises all locally configured printers on the server.

Specifies a share named test_share, which grants users belonging to group examplegroup browsing and write permissions to the /usr/local/test_share directory.


The read only = no configuration entry is essential to ensure Samba shares the directory as a writeable share.

For more information see /etc/samba/smb.conf.example, smb.conf(5) manual page, and https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/User_Documentation

Using the testparm Program to Validate Samba Configuration File Content

You use the testparm program to validate a Samba configuration file after making configuration changes. The testparm program detects invalid parameters and values, as well as any incorrect settings such as incorrect ID mappings.


testparm checks a configuration file for internal correctness only. The testparm command isn't capable of testing whether configured services are available or work as expected.

The following example shows how you might use the command to test a copy of the file you're working on:

sudo testparm /etc/samba/smb.conf.my_copy
Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf.my_copy
Loaded services file OK.

If, instead of a copy, you want to test the default Samba configuration file, you do not have to specify the file as a parameter. You can simply run testparm as follows:

sudo testparm

If the testparm command reports any errors or misconfiguration in the configuration file, you must fix the problem and then reissue the command.

For more information, see the testparm(1) manual page.

Best Practice When Editing Samba Configuration

Samba services reload their configuration as follows:

  • Most configuration values are reloaded automatically, every 3 minutes.
  • You can also manually request a reload, for example by using the smbcontrol all reload-config command.


Some parameters, such as security, require a restart of the smb service to take effect.

The frequent reloading of configuration values does not give you much time to validate any changes you're planning to make to /etc/samba/smb.conf. Therefore, as best practice, first test the changes on a copy of the configuration file. The following steps describe how you might do this:

  1. Make a copy of the samba configuration file.

    sudo cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/samba.conf.mycopy
  2. Edit the copy of the file after opening it in an editor of your choice, for example vi:

    sudo vi /etc/samba/samba.conf.mycopy
  3. Validate the changes using testparm:

    sudo testparm /etc/samba/smb.conf.my_copy
  4. Overwrite the original file with the copy you have validated:

    sudo mv /etc/samba/samba.conf.my_copy /etc/samba/smb.conf
  5. Use the smbcontrol all reload-config command to reload the configuration:

    sudo smbcontrol all reload-config

About Samba Server Roles

The following sections give an overview of different roles you can configure for a Samba server.


You can configure the Samba server role as a standalone server in small networks, for instance peer-to-peer workgroups, where the server isn't required to be part of a domain.

To provide a Windows user with authenticated access to a share on a standalone server, you create the following accounts on the Samba server:

  • A Local Linux Account

    The local Linux account is required to validate access to local file system objects.

  • A Samba Account

    In a standalone configuration, Samba authenticates users to a local database rather than a domain controller. You use the Samba smbpasswd command to create such accounts.

In addition to authenticated access, you can also enable guest access for users to connect to some services without authentication.

Domain Member of an Active Directory Domain


Oracle Linux doesn't support running Samba as an AD domain controller (DC)

You configure a Samba server’s role to be a domain member of an Active Directory (AD) domain when you need to set up Samba shares in an AD domain network.

The Samba AD domain member setup requires the following:

  • Installation of Kerberos

    The Samba server uses Kerberos to authenticate Windows AD users against the domain controller.

  • Installation of the winbind service

    The winbind service provides information about Windows AD users and groups to the Linux OS. Hence, when a Samba server is configured as an AD member, you do not need to manually create local Linux users and groups for authenticated access to the Samba shares.

  • Configuration of ID Mapping Back Ends

    Samba provides various ID mapping methods, referred to as back ends, that can be configured to map each Linux GID and UID to its corresponding Windows SID. You choose which back ends you want to use and configure them in the /etc/samba/smb.conf file.

    See ID Mapping Back Ends in the Active Domain Member Setup

ID Mapping Back Ends in the Active Domain Member Setup

Linux and Windows each use a different ID system to identify groups and users.

Linux assigns unique GID and UID numbers to groups and users, whereas Windows uses a Security Identifier values (SID) for each user and group.

The winbind service maintains the necessary mapping of each Linux GID and UID to its corresponding Windows SID. However, you're responsible for specifying which of the available mapping methods, or back ends as they're called in Samba, are to be used for this mapping.

Overview of ID Mapping in the Samba Configuration File

You configure the mapping in the [global] section of the Samba configuration file /etc/samba/smb.conf.

Consider the following example extract from an /etc/samba/smb.conf file:

#========== Global Settings =======
security = ADS
#   Using tdb backend for default* domain. 
#   UID/GID range 1000000-2000000
idmap config * : backend = tdb
idmap config * : range = 1000000-2000000

#   Using rid backend to map EXAMPLE.COM users
#   UID/GID range 10000-49999
idmap config EXAMPLE.COM : backend  = rid
idmap config EXAMPLE.COM: range = 10000-49999

#   Using rid backend to map EXAMPLE.NET users
#   UID/GID range 50000-99999
idmap config EXAMPLE.NET : backend  = rid
idmap config EXAMPLE.NET : range = 50000 -99999

The preceding example extract shows the following configurations:

  • The Samba server is a member of the EXAMPLE.COM AD domain and uses the rid backend to map SIDs belonging to that domain. The backend is authoritative for those SIDs that the rid method translates to UIDs and GIDs within the range specified in the file (10000-49999).

  • The Samba server also provides share access to a trusted AD domain EXAMPLE.NET. The trusted domain is also configured to use the rid backend. The range for EXAMPLE.NET is 50000-99999.

  • The default * domain uses backend tdb. The tdb range is specified as 1000000-2000000


  • ID ranges must not overlap.
  • Only one range can be assigned to a domain.
  • Once a range has been set and Samba has started using the range, you can only increase the upper number of the range. Any other change to the range can result in new ID assignments, and thus a loss of file ownership data.

The following sections give a further overview on using the different backends to configure ID Mapping for domains.

For more information, see /etc/samba/smb.conf.example and the smb.conf(5) manual pages. See also https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/User_Documentation and upstream documentation.

Domains That Require ID Mapping Configuration

You need to configure ID Mapping for the following:

  • The AD domain of which the Samba server is a member.

  • Each trusted AD domain that might access the Samba Server.

  • The * default domain.

    The default domain includes Samba built-in accounts and groups, such as BUILTIN\Administrators.

Available Back Ends

The following table describes the most commonly used back ends and their different use cases.

Table 4-1 The Most Commonly Used ID Mapping Back Ends

Back End Domains With Which the Back End Can Be Used
tdb Use with * default domain only.
ad Use with AD domains.
rid Use with AD domains.
autorid Can be used both with AD, and * default domain.

The following sections give an overview of the back ends listed in the preceding table.

tdb Mapping Back End

The tdb back end is the default back end used by winbindd for storing Security Identifier (SID), UID, and GID mapping tables.

The tdb back end must only be used for the * default domain.

The default domain includes Samba built-in accounts and groups, such as BUILTIN\Administrators.

The tdb back end is a writeable backend that needs to allocate new user and group IDs to create new mappings.

The ID mappings are local to the server.

ad Mapping Back End

The ad backend enables winbind to read the id mappings from an AD server that uses RFC2307 schema extensions.

For example, when using the ad backend, you set a user’s Linux UID number by entering its value in their AD account’s uidNumber attribute.

Some attributes that you set in the Windows AD Server are listed in the following table's first column and the corresponding Linux value each one maps to in the second column:

Table 4-2 Table of Attributes on the AD Server When ad Mapping is Used

Attribute Set on Windows AD Server Corresponding Linux Value to Which AD Attribute Maps
uidNumber UID
gidNumber GID
sAMAccountName User Name or Group Name


  • The list in the preceding table is given as an overview. See upstream documentation for more attributes.
  • The mapping IDs must be within the range configured in /etc/samba/smb.conf. Objects with IDs outside the range will not be available on the Samba server.

Advantages of ad include the following:

  • UIDs and GIDs are consistent on all Samba servers that use ad.

  • The ID values are not stored in a local database, so there is less chance of local data corruption and loss of file ownership data.

rid Mapping Back End

The rid back end is an algorithmic mapping scheme that uses the RID (relative identifier) portion of the Windows SID to map Windows groups and Users to UIDs and GIDs.

Advantages of rid include the following:

  • All domain user accounts and groups are automatically available on the domain member providing the mapped ID falls within the domain's rid range specified in /etc/samba/smb.conf.

  • No attributes need to be set for domain users and groups.

autorid Mapping Back End

The autorid back end works in a similar way to the rid ID mapping back end, but one advantage of autorid is that it can automatically assign IDs for different domains. You can use the autorid back end for the following:

  • The * default domain and additional domains, without the need to create ID mapping configurations for each of the additional domains.

  • Only for specific domains.

Configuring a Samba Standalone Server

The following procedure shows one way of configuring a Samba standalone server:

  1. Install the samba package:

    sudo dnf install samba
  2. Edit the /etc/samba/smb.conf file and configure the various sections to support the services that are required for the specific configuration.


    See Best Practice When Editing Samba Configuration for more information on editing a Samba configuration file.

    Consider the following example:

    #========== Global Settings =========
    workgroup = EXAMPLE_WORKGROUP
    netbios name = Server_Netbios_Name
    security = user
    role = standalone server
    passdb backend = tdbsam
    log file = /var/log/samba/%m
    log level = 1
    #========== File Share =========
    path = /srv/samba/shareexample/
    read only = no

    The preceding example configures a standalone server named Server_Netbios_Name with the workgroup EXAMPLE_WORKGROUP with the following settings:

    • role = standalone server

      Type of server that you're setting up.

    • passdb backend = tdbsam

      Default setting in which Samba stores user accounts in the /var/lib/samba/private/passdb.tdb database.

    • log level = 1

      Lowest level of logging.

    • log file = /var/log/samba/%m

      Path to the log file. The %m variable is substituted with the NetBIOS name of the client machine.

    • [shareexample]

      Name of the share is configured as shareexample. This is the name users use to access the share.

    • read only = no

      Ensures that Samba shares the directory as a writeable share.

  3. Verify the Samba configuration file:

    sudo testparm
  4. Create a local Linux user account without a home directory (-M) and without a login shell (-s /sbin/nologin):

    sudo useradd -M -s /sbin/nologin exampleUser
  5. Enable the user by setting a password:

    sudo passwd exampleUser
         Changing password for user exampleUser.
         New password: 
         Retype new password: 
         passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.


    The local password set with the passwd account is not the one used by Samba.

    However, setting a local password is required to enable the account (Samba denies access if the account is disabled locally).

  6. Add exampleUser account to the Samba database:

    sudo smbpasswd -a exampleUser
    New SMB password: 
    Retype new SMB password: 
    Added user exampleUser


    The Samba account password set in this step, using the smbpasswd command, is the password that will be used by Samba
  7. Create a Linux Group:

    sudo groupadd exampleGroup

    Add the user exampleUser to the group exampleGroup created in the previous step:

    sudo usermod -aG exampleGroup exampleUser
  8. Make the share directory referenced in the named share in /etc/samba/smb.conf if it doesn't already exist:

    sudo mkdir -p /srv/samba/shareexample/ 


    If you run SELinux in enforcing mode, set the samba_share_t context on the directory so that SELinux allows Samba to read and write to it:
    sudo semanage fcontext -a -t samba_share_t "/srv/samba/shareexample(/.*)?"
    sudo restorecon -Rv /srv/samba/shareexample/
  9. Set the group for the share directory to be the group you created in a previous step for the Samba users:

    sudo chgrp -R exampleGroup /srv/samba/shareexample/
  10. Set permissions for the shared directory:

    sudo chmod 2770 /srv/samba/shareexample/
  11. Open the required ports and reload the firewall configuration using the firewall-cmd utility:

    sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=samba
    sudo firewall-cmd --reload
  12. Enable and start the smb service:

    systemctl enable --now smb

Configuring a Samba Server as an AD Member

The following procedure shows one way of configuring a Samba server as an AD member:

  1. You need to install the following packages:

    • realmd

      The realmd tool is used to for joining Kerberos realms, such as Active Directory domains.

    • oddjob and oddjob-mkhomedir

      oddjob is a D-Bus service which runs jobs on behalf of client applications.

      oddjob-mkhomedir is an oddjob helper which creates and populates home directories.

    • samba-winbind-clients, samba-winbind, samba-common-tools, samba-winbind-krb5-locator, and samba.

      You can run the following command to install the required packages:

      sudo dnf install realmd \
       oddjob-mkhomedir \
       oddjob  \
       samba-winbind-clients \
       samba-winbind  \
       samba-common-tools  \
       samba-winbind-krb5-locator  \
  2. Make a backup copy of the Samba configuration file:

    sudo mv /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf.copy
  3. Use the realm join command to join AD domain. The following example assumes you want to join domain EXAMPLE.COM:

    sudo realm join --membership-software=samba \
     --client-software=winbind EXAMPLE.COM  

    When you run the command as shown, realm does the following:

    • Creates the /etc/samba/smb.conf file with membership of the EXAMPLE.COM domain configured.

    • Adds the winbind module for user and group lookups to the /etc/nsswitch.conf file.

    • Updates the Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM) configuration files in the /etc/pam.d/directory

    • Starts and enables the winbind service.

  4. Set up ID Mapping in the /etc/samba/smb.conf file required in the configuration.

    For further details on ID Mapping see ID Mapping Back Ends in the Active Domain Member Setup

  5. Check that the entries in the /etc/samba/smb.conf file meet all configuration requirements.

    For more information on the configuration file see About the Samba Configuration File

  6. Verify that the winbind service is running:

    sudo systemctl status winbind


    The winbind service must be running before you start the smb service. Otherwise, Samba can't retrieve domain user and group information.

  7. After verifying that the winbind is running in the preceding step, start and enable the smb service:

    sudo systemctl enable --now smb 
  8. Perform verification steps such as the following:

    • Get the details of a domain user. The following assumes the details of user exampleuser in the EXAMPLE.COM domain are being retrieved:

      sudo getent passwd EXAMPLE.COM\\exampleuser
    • Test the command to get users from the “Domain Users” group in the domain. The following assumes the details of users in the “Domain Users” group in the EXAMPLE.COM domain are being retrieved:

      sudo getent group "EXAMPLE.COM\Domain Users"
      EXAMPLE.COM\domain users:x:10000:exampleuser1,exampleuser2
    • Confirm that you can use domain users and groups when using file and directory commands. For example, to set the owner of the /srv/samba/shareexample/ directory to EXAMPLE.COM\administrator and the group to EXAMPLE.COM\Domain Users run the following command:

      sudo chown "EXAMPLE.COM\administrator":"EXAMPLE.COM\Domain Users" /srv/samba/shareexample

Accessing Samba Shares

The following tasks describe how to access Samba shares from a Windows client and an Oracle Linux client.

Accessing Samba Shares From a Windows Client

To access a share on a Samba server from Windows, open Computer or Windows Explorer and enter the host name of the Samba server and the share name by using the following format:


If you enter \\server_name, Windows displays the directories and printers that the server is sharing. You can also use the same syntax to map a network drive to a share name.

Accessing Samba Shares From a Client

To access a Samba share from an Oracle Linux host you can install the following packages:

  • samba-client

    Installing the samba-client package gives you the smbclient utility that provides SFTP-like commands to access Samba shares. For example, smbclient provides a get command for downloading a file from a remote Samba share, and a put command for uploading a file.

  • cifs-utils

    Installing the cifs-utils package enables you to mount a Samba share.

Using smbclient Commands

The following steps give a brief overview of how you might use the smbclient commands:

  1. Log onto a share example_samba_share hosted on server example_samba_server using account EXAMPLE.COM/user1:

    sudo smbclient -U "EXAMPLE.COM\user1" //example_samba_server/example_samba_share
  2. Change to directory location /directory1/ :

    smb: \> cd /directory1/ 
  3. Download file ExampleFile.txt:

    smb: \directory1\> get ExampleFile.txt
  4. End the session:

    smb: \directory1\> exit

For more information, see the smbclient(1) manual page.

Mounting a Samba Share with cifs

To mount a Samba share, use a command similar to the following:

sudo mount -t cifs //server_name/share_name mountpoint -o credentials=credfile                  

In the previous command, the credentials file contains settings for username, password, and domain:


The parameter to domain can be the name of a domain or a workgroup.


Because the credentials file contains a plain-text password, use chmod to make it readable by only you, for example:

sudo chmod 400 credfile

If the Samba server is a domain member server in an AD domain, and the current login session was authenticated by the Kerberos server in the domain, you can use the existing session credentials by specifying the sec=krb5 option instead of a credentials file:

sudo mount -t cifs //server_name/share_name mountpoint -o sec=krb5

For more information, see mount.cifs(8) manual page.