
Copies the specified size in bytes from the specified user address into the DTrace scratch buffer and returns the buffer address.

void copyinto(uintptr_t addr, size_t size, void dest)

The copyinto function copies the specified size in bytes, size, from the specified user address, addr, into the specified DTrace scratch buffer, dest. The user address is interpreted as an address in the space of the process that's associated with the current thread. The address in question must correspond to a faulted-in page in the current process. If the address doesn't correspond to a faulted-in page, or if any of the destination memory lies outside of scratch memory, no copying takes place and an error is generated.

Example 7-9 How to use copyinto to copy data from a system write call into an allocated memory buffer

In this example, a probe is set for the entry point on write system calls. A predicate is set to filter for when the process execname matches the podman application. The copyinto function is used to copy 32 bytes of the first argument, arg1, of the write call into a pointer to an allocated memory buffer of 32 bytes, ptr. The script prints the a string representation of ptr when the podman application makes a system write call.

        ptr = (char *)alloca(32);
        copyinto(arg1, 32, ptr);
        printf("'%s'", stringof(ptr));