
Copies a specified string to a specified user space address.

void copyoutstr(char * string, uintptr_t addr, size_t size)

The copyoutstr function is a destructive function that copies the specified string, string, to a specified address, addr, in the address space of the process associated with the current thread. A third argument, size, is used to control the length of the string. If the user space address doesn't correspond to a valid, faulted-in page in the current address space, an error is generated. Note that the string length is also limited to the value that's set by the compiler and runtime strsize option. If size exceeds the value strsize option, then the string length is limited to the value specified by the strsize option.

Example 7-11 How to use copyoutstr to copy a string to a specified user space address

In this example, the syscall::newuname:entry and syscall::newuname:return probes are used. The entry probe is used to populate a user space address with the first argument used in the entry probe. The return probe writes the string "DTraceHost" into the address of the first argument. When any process makes the newuname system call, the hostname part of the call is rewritten.

#pragma D option destructive

  self->a = arg0; 

 copyoutstr("DtraceHost", self->a+65, 128);

When you run this script and then run the uname -a command, output similar to the following is displayed:

Linux DtraceHost 5.15.0- #2 SMP ... GNU/Linux