
Displays and controls the formatting of an aggregation

void printa([string format,] @aggr )

The printa function is a data recording function that enables you to display and format aggregations. The function takes an aggregation and optionally a string to specify the output formatting using printf formatting directives. If no formatting string is specified, printa the specified aggregation is displayed using the default format. If format is specified, the aggregation is formatted.

See the printf(1) manual page for more information on formatting directives. Note that although DTrace's implementation of printf is aligned with the correlating system function, some differences apply. Notably, you can use the %d formatting directive to represent any length of an integer. Furthermore, printa also handles the appropriate formatting for each aggregation.

Example 7-33 How to use printa to print basic formatting for different aggregations

        @a = avg(1);
        @b = count();
        @c = lquantize(1, 1, 10);
        printa("@a = %@u\n", @a);
        printa("@b = %@u\n", @b);
        printa("@c = %@d\n", @c);