Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Ksplice Support

You can monitor and manage automatic updates for Oracle Linux systems that are running within Oracle Cloud infrastructure (OCI) by using Ksplice.

Note the following key points about receiving automatic Ksplice updates on systems that are running within OCI:

  • By default, Ksplice configuration is shipped with the OCI platform images by preconfiguring the Ksplice yum repositories and Ksplice online server URL.

  • Bring Your Own Image (BYOI) configurations can use the same yum repository configuration file as the platform images (/etc/yum.repos.d/ksplice-ol*.repo), if copied there manually.


    The /etc/yum.repos.d/ksplice-olN.repo file comes from the ksplice-release-elN RPM, which is in the yum repository that's configured by oci_included_olN.repo and is part of the oci-included-release-elN package (/etc/yum.repos.d/oci-included-olN.repo).

  • Systems running within OCI that have the Ksplice client configured in online mode don't need to be registered with ULN to access the Ksplice servers and receive automatic updates.

  • Systems running within OCI that have the Ksplice client configured in offline mode don't need to be registered with ULN, nor do they require a local ULN mirror configuration to receive automatic updates.

For further information, see Oracle Ksplice on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.