Removing the Ksplice Enhanced Client Software

The following procedure describes how to remove the Ksplice Enhanced Client from a system.


This procedure uses the dnf command to describe many package management actions. On releases earlier than Oracle Linux 8, substitute the commands with the appropriate yum commands.
  1. Remove the Ksplice Enhanced client software.
    sudo dnf -y remove ksplice
  2. Remove the offline version of the Ksplice Enhanced client software, if installed.
    sudo dnf -y remove ksplice-offline
  3. Remove the Ksplice-aware versions of the glibc+openssl packages from the system.
    1. Unsubscribe all the subscribed Ksplice-aware user space channels from the yum repository.
    2. Manually downgrade the Ksplice-aware packages using the dnf shell.
      dnf shell
      > erase ksplice-helper
      > downgrade glibc* openssl*
      > run


      The following single command performs the same downgrade action without needing manual entry and can be used for automation purposes:
      printf 'erase ksplice-helper\n downgrade glibc* openssl*\n run' | dnf -y shell