Using the Nagios Plugin

To monitor all systems by using the Nagios plugin, run the following command:

sudo /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_uptrack

The previous command produces a summary of systems in the standard Nagios plugin format, as shown in the following example:

2 machines are OUTOFDATE!|uptodate=1280;outofdate=1;unsupported=0;inactive=3 ( is OUTOFDATE ( is OUTOFDATE

If you specify the -c or -w options with a comma-separated list of the arguments that also specify the i, o, or u options for inactive, out-of-date, or unsupported systems, the check_uptrack command displays critical or warning notices for systems that match the criteria.

For example, the following command returns warning notices for any systems that are inactive or unsupported, and critical notices for any systems that are out of date:

sudo /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_uptrack -w u,i -c o

To monitor the local system, use the check_uptrack_local plugin:

sudo /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_uptrack_local

The output from the check_uptrack_local command is similar to the output from the check_uptrack command. However, for out-of-date systems, the command also lists the updates that are required to update the system.


The check_uptrack_local command reads the local uptrack update cache; however, it doesn't use the settings from the /etc/uptrack-api.conf file.