Using Uptrack Commands to Manage Ksplice Updates


Several uptrack commands are available to manage the Ksplice Uptrack Client. This reference provides an overview of the commands available and how to use them.

For the Enhanced Client, see Using the ksplice Command For the Ksplice Enhanced Client.

Uptrack Commands

The following uptrack commands are available:

  • uptrack-install: downloads and installs updates specified by identifiers
  • uptrack-remove: removes updates specified by identifiers
  • uptrack-show: shows the list of installed updates; or shows the details for an update specified by an identifier
  • uptrack-uname: show information about the effective kernel
  • uptrack-upgrade: lists, downloads, and installs the latest available updates

For more information about each of these commands see the uptrack(8) manual page.

Example 4-1 Example Usage

  • List all available updates.
    sudo uptrack-upgrade -n
  • Install all available Ksplice updates.
    sudo uptrack-upgrade -y
  • Display the effective version of the kernel.
    sudo uptrack-uname -r

    You can compare this to the original boot version displayed by the uname -a command.

    The uptrack-uname command supports commonly used uname flags, including -a and -r, and also provides a way for applications to detect that the kernel has been patched. The effective version is based on the version number of the latest patch that Ksplice has applied to the kernel.

  • View updates made to running kernel
  • View the updates that are available for installation.
    uptrack-show --available
  • Remove all the updates from the kernel.
    uptrack-remove --all
  • Prevent Ksplice from reapplying the updates at the next system reboot and create the empty file /etc/uptrack/disable.
    touch /etc/uptrack/disable

    Or, you can specify the nouptrack argument as a parameter on the boot command line when you next reboot the system.