AI Manifests

An AI manifest contains the parameters that define how install services install the OS, such as client provisioning, disk layout, packages to add, and so on. An install service must have at least one associated AI manifest.

You can create as many manifests as needed, each with different customized instructions to direct how the installation is performed on clients.

Clients can share multiple manifests. However, a client can use only one manifest at a time in one instance of installation.


By default, AI with default settings does not include the Gnome desktop. To include the desktop in an AI, manually add the appropriate package to the list in the installation manifest, under the <software_data> section. For example:
<sofware_data action="install">
For more information about creating specialized AI manifests, see Chapter 2, Working With AI Manifests in Customizing Automated Installations With Manifests and Profiles. The chapter includes examples of manifests with customized contents.