Automated Installer Fails to Install on Systems With High Memory and Low Disk Space Allocation

An AI installation might fail if the system has more physical RAM than disk space. The space allocated to swap and dump devices might reduce the available space for installing the OS. The following error message might be displayed:

ImageInsufficentSpace: Insufficient disk space available (8.84 GB) for
estimated need (9.46 GB) for Root filesystem

Workaround: Choose one of the following workarounds:

  • If not limited by the size of the disk, allocate more space to the slice being used as a virtual device (vdev) in the root pool.


    On x86 systems, if necessary, allocate additional space to the Solaris2 partition.
  • Disable the need for a swap volume to be allocated. In the AI manifest, specify the value true for the noswap attribute in the <logical> tag of the <target> section. For example:

    <logical noswap="true">
  • Define the zpool and allocate smaller swap and dump sizes in the manifest.

       <disk whole_disk="true" in_zpool="rpool">
          <disk_keyword key="boot_disk"/>
          <zpool name="rpool" root_pool="true">
             <zvol name="swap" use="swap">
                <size val="2gb"/>
             <zvol name="dump" use="dump">
                <size val="4gb"/>
  • Disable allocation of one swap or dump device, and allocate a specific size to the remaining device (dump or swap). The following example shows how to disable swap and add a 4 GB dump size:

       <disk whole_disk="true" in_zpool="rpool">
          <disk_keyword key="boot_disk"/>
       <logical noswap="true">
          <zpool name="rpool" root_pool="true">
             <zvol name="dump" use="dump">
                <size val="4gb"/>

For more information about how to edit the AI manifest, refer to the ai_manifest(5) man page.