Creating and Configuring an Install Service

To create an install service, use the following command:

installadm create-service options [-y]

The -y option suppresses command prompts. Besides the -y option, the following are some other typical options:

  • -s full-path specifies the location of the IOS image to be used for the service.

  • -d full-path specifies the destination directory where the install service's files are stored.

  • -n service-name enables you to specify a preferred name for the service instead of using the default name.


You must create a separate service for each platform-OS version combination that describes your target clients.

If you create the service without using options, the command does the following:

  • Names the service with the convention solarisOS-version-architecture , based on the AI system's OS version and architecture, for example, solaris11_4-i386.

  • Installs the image in /export/auto_install/service-name directory.

  • If this is the first service created, also creates a default-architecture service.

The installadm list command displays the results:

$ installadm create-service -y
$ installadm list
Service Name     Status Arch Type Secure Alias Aliases Clients Profiles Manifests
------------     ------ ---- ---- ------ ----- ------- ------- -------- ---------
default-i386     on     i386 pkg  no     yes   0       0       0        1        
solaris11_4-i386 on     i386 pkg  no     no    1       0       0        1        

These examples show additional options for creating the install service.

Example 4-1 Creating a SPARC Install Service Using an ISO File

The -s option specifies a source for the image to be used for the service. The example assumes that the AI server is a SPARC system.

$ installadm create-service -s /var/tmp/images/sparc/sol-11_4-ai-sparc.iso
  0% : Service svc:/network/dns/multicast:default is not online. Installation services
       will not be advertised via multicast DNS.
100% : Created Service: 'solaris11_4-sparc'

Example 4-2 Creating an Install Service for a Different Architecture

This example uses the -a option to specify the architecture for the install service. Use this option if the service's clients and the AI server do not share the same architecture. You must also use the -n option to assign a name to the service. This option applies only if you are creating the service from an IPS package.

$ installadm create-service -n solaris11_4-i386 -a sparc -y

Example 4-3 x86: Creating a Service That Automatically Installs an X86 Client

By default, AI does not automatically start on x86 clients. The -b option enables you to override the default behavior.

$ installadm create-service -s /var/tmp/images/i386/sol-11_4-ai-x86.iso \
-y -b install=true

Example 4-4 Setting the Image Path for an Install Service

The install image is normally located in /export/auto_install/service-name. The -d option sets the location of the image path elsewhere.

$ installadm create-service -d /export/ai-images -n solaris11_4-i386