Displaying AI Server Security Information

To display server security information, use the -v and -s options. In addition to what is typically displayed in previous Oracle Solaris versions, the output includes additional HMAC information (displayed in bold in the example):

$ installadm list -sv
AI Server Parameter        Value
-------------------        -----
Hostname ................. hostname.example.com
Architecture ............. sparc
Active Networks ..........
Http Port ................ 5555
Secure Port .............. 5556
Image Path Base Dir ...... /export/auto_install
Multi-Homed? ............. yes
Managing DHCP? ........... yes
DHCP IP Range ............ -
Boot Server ..............
Web UI Enabled? .......... yes
Wizard Saves to Server? .. no
Security Enabled? ........ no
Security Key? ............ yes
Security Certificate:
              Subject: /C=US/O=Oracle/OU=Solaris Deployment/CN=hostname.example.com
              Issuer : /C=US/O=Oracle/OU=Solaris Deployment/CN=Signing CA
              Source : Server Certificate
              Valid from:  Dec 12 19:48:00 2016 GMT
                      to:  Dec 10 19:48:00 2026 GMT
              Validates?: yes
CA Certificates:
     f9d73b41 Subject: /C=US/O=Oracle/OU=Solaris Deployment/CN=Signing CA
              Issuer : /C=US/O=Oracle/OU=Solaris Deployment/CN=Root CA
              Source : Server CA Certificate
              Valid from:  Dec  8 10:31:00 2016 GMT
                      to:  Dec  6 10:31:00 2026 GMT
     d09051e4 Subject: /C=US/O=Oracle/OU=Solaris Deployment/CN=Root CA
              Issuer : /C=US/O=Oracle/OU=Solaris Deployment/CN=Root CA
              Source : Server CA Certificate
              Valid from:  Dec  8 10:31:00 2016 GMT
                      to:  Dec  6 10:31:00 2026 GMT
Def Client Sec Key? ........... yes
Def Client Sec Cert:
              Subject: /C=US/O=Oracle/OU=Solaris Deployment/CN=Client default
              Issuer : /C=US/O=Oracle/OU=Solaris Deployment/CN=Signing CA
              Source : Default Client Certificate
              Valid from:  Feb  2 16:47:00 2017 GMT
                      to:  Jan 31 16:47:00 2027 GMT
              Validates?: yes
Def Client CA Certs ........... none
Def Client FW Encr Key ........
Def Client FW HMAC-SHA1 Key ... (inactive)
Def Client FW HMAC-SHA256 Key . (active)
HMAC Policy ................... HMAC-SHA256
Number of Services ............ 25
Number of Clients ............. 3
Number of Manifests ........... 26
Number of Profiles ............ 3
Telemetry Enabled? ............ no
Telemetry Success:
Telemetry Failure:
Telemetry Frequency ........... 120 second(s)
Telemetry Files Retention ..... 1 year(s)
Telemetry Statistics Retention  1 year(s)