Preparing Clients for Installation (Task Map)

The following task map lists preparations you might need to make before you start the automated installation. Unless specified otherwise, perform these tasks on the client systems.

Task Description For More Information

Assign clients to install services.

An optional step to be used in complex AI setups. Ensures that a client uses the correct install service for the installation of the operating system.

Registering Clients With Install Services

Specify the VLAN.

If the network uses VLANs, you might need to specify which VLAN to use to reach the DHCP and AI services.

Specifying the VLAN for DHCP and AI Services

SPARC: Select a boot disk.

An optional task that specifies a boot disk other than the selection made by the installation process.

How To Set the Boot Disk From OBP

SPARC: Check encryption and firmware keys.

Ensures that in SPARC clients, the hash and firmware keys match the keys that have been generated on the AI server.

SPARC: Configuring WAN Boot Security for SPARC Clients

Enable installation monitoring on the client.

An optional task that sets clients to accept network access to enable installation monitoring.

Setting Secure Shell for Remote Monitoring