Showing Information About Install Services

The installadm list command shows information about install services and associated clients, AI manifests and system configuration profiles.


For security related information, see Listing Security Information Related to AI.

Example 4-17 Listing All Install Services on the AI Server

This example displays all of the install services on this AI server. In this example, four enabled install services are found. Disabled services have an off Status value. To obtain information only about a specific service, add the -n service option in the command.

$ installadm list
Service Name      Base Service       Status Arch  Type Ali Cli Man Pro
------------      ------------       ------ ----  ---- --- --- --- ---
default-i386      solaris11-i386     on     i386  pkg  0   1   1   0
default-sparc     solaris11_4-sparc  on     sparc pkg  0   0   0   1
solaris11-i386    -                  on     i386  pkg  1   0   1   0
solaris11_4-sparc -                  on     sparc pkg  1   0   1   2

Example 4-18 Listing Clients Associated With Install Services

This example lists all the clients that are associated with the install services on this AI server. The clients were associated with the install services by using the installadm create-client command. See Creating Client-Service Associations.

To obtain client information for only a specific service, add the -n service option in the command.

$ installadm list -c

Service Name      Client Address    Arch  Secure Custom Args Custom Grub
------------      --------------    ----  ------ ----------- -----------
solaris11_4-sparc 00:14:4F:A7:65:70 sparc no     no          no
solaris11_4-i386  08:00:27:8B:BD:71 i386  no     no          no
                  01:C2:52:E6:4B:E0 i386  no     no          no

Example 4-19 Listing All AI Manifests and System Configuration Profiles

This example lists all AI manifests, derived manifest scripts, and system configuration profiles for all install services on this AI server. The Service and Manifest Name and Profile Name columns display the internal names of the manifests, scripts, or profiles. The Status column identifies the default manifest for each service and any inactive manifests. A manifest is inactive if it does not have any associated criteria and also is not the default. The Criteria column shows the associated client criteria.

Manifests that are named orig_default indicate that they are created by a script that creates default manifests for default services.

To obtain information for only a specific service, add the -n service option in the command.

$ installadm list -m -p
Service Name                     Manifest Name      Type      Status    Criteria
------------                     -------------      ----      ------    --------
default-i386                     orig_default       derived   default   none
default-sparc                    orig_default       derived   default   none
solaris1132-i386                 ipv4               xml       active    ipv4 =
                                 mem1               derived   default   (Ignored: mem =
                                                                        2048 MB - 
                                                                        4095 MB)
                                 orig_default       derived   inactive  none
solaris11_4-sparc                sparc-ent          xml       active    mem = 4096 MB
                                                                        - unbounded
                                                                        platform =
                                 mem1               derived   default   (Ignored: mem =
                                                                        2048 MB - 
                                                                        4095 MB)
                                 orig_default       derived   inactive  none

Service Name                     Profile Name  Environment Criteria
------------                     ------------  ----------- --------
solaris11_4-i386                 mac2          system      mac = 08:00:27:8B:BD:71
                                                           hostname = server2
                                 mac3          system      mac = 01:C2:52:E6:4B:E0
                                                           hostname = server3
                                 ipv4          system      ipv4 = - 
                                 mem1          system      mem = 2048 MB - 4095 MB
solaris11_4-sparc                mac1          system      mac = 01:C2:52:E6:4B:E0
                                                           hostname = server1
                                                           ipv4 =
                                 sparc-ent     system      platform = 
                                                           mem = 4096-unbounded

If you run this command with the rights profile, an additional column in the list of manifests identifies the type of the manifest, either xml or derived.