Running Assessments and Reports

The compliance package is required to run assessments and reports. By default, the solaris-small-server and solaris-large-server packages include the compliance package. The solaris-desktop and solaris-minimal packages do not include the compliance package. To manage the assessment directories and reports in the repository requires privilege.

You can create assessment reports for benchmarks, profiles, and tailorings. For information about tailorings, see Creating Tailorings From Compliance Benchmarks. You can run a specified assessment on a system at regular intervals, as described in Running Assessments at Regular Intervals.

You can run assessments locally or remotely.

  • By default, the compliance assess command assesses the local system.

  • You can assess a remote system from your system by using the -N node-URI option, where node-URI specifies the remote system in remote administration daemon (RAD) URI format.

  • You can assess several systems from your system by using a roster of host names in RAD URI format. Roster assessments run asynchronously. You use the compliance roster command to create and manage rosters.

By adding the -s store-URI option to the compliance assess command, you can transfer assessments to a common store (store-URI). For running remote assessments and for storing assessments in a common store, see Centrally Managing Compliance Assessments.