Running One Remote Assessment

The compliance assess -N node-URI command enables you, as a correctly configured user, to run an assessment on a remote system. With the -s store-URI option, you can store the assessment remotely.

Example 2-4 Running a Remote Assessment and Storing It Locally

The administrator has set up a test1 account with the Compliance Assessor rights profile to test running a remote assessment on a SPARC system and on an x86 system.

  • is the x86 system.

  • is the SPARC system.

The administrator runs the commands with various versions of node-URI.

The following commands run the assessments on the remote x86 system, but store them on the local SPARC system.

SPARC $ pfexec compliance assess -t basic -N ssh://test1@
SPARC $ pfexec compliance assess -t basic -N test1@
SPARC $ pfexec compliance assess -t basic -N
SPARC $ pfexec compliance assess -t basic -N myx86

Example 2-5 Running a Remote Assessment and Storing It Remotely

The administrator runs the commands with various versions of node-URI. The following commands run the assessments on the remote x86 system and store them there.

SPARC $ pfexec compliance assess -t basic -N ssh://test1@ \
       -s ssh://test1@
SPARC $ pfexec compliance assess -t basic -N test1@ -s test1@
SPARC $ pfexec compliance assess -t basic -N -s
SPARC $ pfexec compliance assess -t basic -N myx86 -s myx86