Anonymous Tracing Examples

Example 15-1 Enabling Anonymous Tracing for the iprb Module

The following example shows an anonymous DTrace enabling for every probe in the iprb module:

# dtrace -A -m iprb
dtrace: saved anonymous enabling in /kernel/drv/dtrace.conf
dtrace: added forceload directives to /etc/system
dtrace: run update_drv(8) or reboot to enable changes
# reboot

After rebooting, dtrace prints a message on the console to indicate that it is enabling the specified probes:

  Copyright 1983-2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
  Use is subject to license terms.
  NOTICE: enabling probe 0 (:iprb::)
  NOTICE: enabling probe 1 (dtrace:::ERROR)
  configuring IPv4 interfaces: iprb0.

When the system has rebooted, the anonymous state may be consumed by specifying the -a option with dtrace:

# dtrace -a
  CPU     ID                    FUNCTION:NAME
    0  22954                      _init:entry 
    0  22955                     _init:return 
    0  22800                  iprbprobe:entry 
    0  22934          iprb_get_dev_type:entry 
    0  22935         iprb_get_dev_type:return 
    0  22801                 iprbprobe:return 
    0  22802                 iprbattach:entry 
    0  22874               iprb_getprop:entry 
    0  22875              iprb_getprop:return 
    0  22934          iprb_get_dev_type:entry 
    0  22935         iprb_get_dev_type:return 
    0  22870             iprb_self_test:entry 
    0  22871            iprb_self_test:return 
    0  22958            iprb_hard_reset:entry 
    0  22959           iprb_hard_reset:return 
    0  22862       iprb_get_eeprom_size:entry 
    0  22826              iprb_shiftout:entry 
    0  22828            iprb_raiseclock:entry 
    0  22829           iprb_raiseclock:return 

Example 15-2 Enabling Anonymous Tracing for Functions Called From iprbattach

The following example focuses only on those functions called from iprbattach. In an editor, type the following script and save it in a file named iprb.d.

        self->trace = 1;


        self->trace = 0;

Run the following commands to clear the previous settings from the driver configuration file, install the new anonymous tracing request, and reboot:

# dtrace -AFs iprb.d
dtrace: cleaned up old anonymous enabling in /kernel/drv/dtrace.conf
dtrace: cleaned up forceload directives in /etc/system
dtrace: saved anonymous enabling in /kernel/drv/dtrace.conf
dtrace: added forceload directives to /etc/system
dtrace: run update_drv(8) or reboot to enable changes
# reboot

After rebooting, dtrace prints a different message on the console to indicate the slightly different enabling:

  Copyright 1983-2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
  Use is subject to license terms.
  NOTICE: enabling probe 0 (fbt::iprbattach:entry)
  NOTICE: enabling probe 1 (fbt:::)
  NOTICE: enabling probe 2 (fbt::iprbattach:return)
  NOTICE: enabling probe 3 (dtrace:::ERROR)
  configuring IPv4 interfaces: iprb0.

After the system has completely booted, run the dtrace -a command with the -e option to consume the anonymous data and then exit.

# dtrace -ae
  CPU FUNCTION                                 
    0  -> iprbattach                            
    0    -> gld_mac_alloc                       
    0      -> kmem_zalloc                       
    0        -> kmem_cache_alloc                
    0          -> kmem_cache_alloc_debug        
    0            -> verify_and_copy_pattern     
    0            <- verify_and_copy_pattern     
    0            -> tsc_gethrtime               
    0            <- tsc_gethrtime               
    0            -> getpcstack                  
    0            <- getpcstack                  
    0            -> kmem_log_enter              
    0            <- kmem_log_enter              
    0          <- kmem_cache_alloc_debug        
    0        <- kmem_cache_alloc                
    0      <- kmem_zalloc                       
    0    <- gld_mac_alloc                       
    0    -> kmem_zalloc                         
    0      -> kmem_alloc                        
    0        -> vmem_alloc                      
    0          -> highbit                       
    0          <- highbit                       
    0          -> lowbit                        
    0          <- lowbit                        
    0          -> vmem_xalloc                   
    0            -> highbit                     
    0            <- highbit                     
    0            -> lowbit                      
    0            <- lowbit                      
    0            -> segkmem_alloc               
    0              -> segkmem_xalloc            
    0                -> vmem_alloc              
    0                  -> highbit               
    0                  <- highbit               
    0                  -> lowbit                
    0                  <- lowbit                
    0                  -> vmem_seg_alloc        
    0                    -> highbit             
    0                    <- highbit             
    0                    -> highbit             
    0                    <- highbit             
    0                    -> vmem_seg_create     