dtrace_aggregate_walk_valvarsorted() Function

This function walks aggregations in order sorted by value first and then by the aggregation's variable ID. Because the data stored by the aggregating actions derive the values for the aggregation, DTrace only performs value comparisons between aggregations from the same aggregating action. For example, DTrace only compares min() values to min() values and max() values to max() values. DTrace also compares aggregations based on the number of records stored for the aggregation. This policy might yield slightly unexpected results. For example, when the data is processed by using the dtrace_aggregate_walk_valvarsorted() function, output is generated similar to the following example.

p_online                                            968
pset                                               1165
portfs                                             1668
pollsys                                            7161
pset                                               3369
portfs                                             6948
p_online                                           9685
pollsys                                      4159836122
p_online                                           1051
pset                                               1911
portfs                                             2583
pollsys                                       120515277


The values are grouped as min(), max(), and avg() values.