ifinfo_t Structure

The ifinfo_t structure contains network interface information.

typedef struct ifinfo {
        string if_name;                /* interface name */
        int8_t if_local;               /* is delivered locally */
        netstackid_t if_ipstack;       /* ipstack ID */
        uintptr_t if_addr;             /* pointer to raw ill_t */
} ifinfo_t;

The following list describes the ifinfo_t members:


Interface name as a string. For example, "eri0", "lo0", "ip.tun0", "<unknown>".


Is-local status. 1: is a local interface, 0: is not a local interface, -1: is unknown.


ipstack ID, for associating ip stack instances, or NULL.


Pointer to raw kernel structure for advanced debugging only.

The ifinfo_t details are provided for debugging convenience in the ip layer, if that information is available. There may be some types of traffic where some or all of that information is not available during the ip layer, for which the members may be: "<null>", -1, NULL, NULL.