preempt and remain-cpu

Because Oracle Solaris is a preemptive system, higher priority threads preempt lower priority ones. Preemption can induce a significant latency bubble in the lower priority thread, so you might want to know which threads are being preempted by which other threads. The following example shows how to use the preempt and remain-cpu probes to display this information:

#pragma D option quiet

        self->preempt = 1;

        self->preempt = 0;

         * If you want to preempt yourself, see who you ended up giving
         * the CPU to.
        @[stringof(args[1]->pr_fname), args[0]->pr_pri, execname,
            curlwpsinfo->pr_pri] = count();
        self->preempt = 0;

        printf("%30s %3s %30s %3s %5s\n", "PREEMPTOR", "PRI",
            "PREEMPTED", "PRI", "#");
        printa("%30s %3d %30s %3d %5@d\n", @);

Running the preceding script for several seconds on a desktop system results in output similar to the following example:

# dtrace -s ./whopreempt.d
                     PREEMPTOR PRI                      PREEMPTED PRI     #
                         sched  60                           Xsun  53     1
                         xterm  59                           Xsun  53     1
               MozillaFirebird  57                           Xsun  53     1
                        mpstat 100                          fvwm2  59     1
                         sched  99                MozillaFirebird  57     1
                         sched  60                         dtrace  30     1
                        mpstat 100                           Xsun  59     2
                         sched  60                           Xsun  54     2
                         sched  99                          sched  60     2
                         fvwm2  59                           Xsun  44     2
                         sched  99                           Xsun  44     2
                         sched  60                          xterm  59     2
                         sched  99                           Xsun  53     2
                         sched  99                           Xsun  54     3
                         sched  60                          fvwm2  59     3
                         sched  60                           Xsun  59     3
                         sched  99                           Xsun  59     4
                         fvwm2  59                           Xsun  54     8
                         fvwm2  59                           Xsun  53     9
                          Xsun  59                MozillaFirebird  57    10
                         sched  60                MozillaFirebird  57    14
               MozillaFirebird  57                           Xsun  44    16
               MozillaFirebird  57                           Xsun  54    18