proc Probes

The following table describes the proc probes.

Table 11-23 List of proc Probes

Probe Description


Fires when a process is created using fork, forkall, fork1, or vfork. psinfo_t corresponding to the new child process is pointed to by args[0]. You can distinguish vfork from the other fork variants by checking for PR_VFORKP in the pr_flag member of the forking thread's lwpsinfo_t. You can distinguish fork1 from forkall by examining the pr_nlwp members of both the parent process's psinfo_t (curpsinfo) and the child process's psinfo_t (args[0]). Because the create probe only fires after the process has been successfully created, and because LWP creation is part of creating a process, lwp-create will fire for any LWPs created at process creation time before the create probe fires for the new process.


Fires whenever a process loads a new process image with a variant of the exec system call: exec, execle, execlp, execv, execve, and execvp. The exec probe fires before the process image is loaded. Process variables like execname and curpsinfo therefore contain the process state before the image is loaded. Some time after the exec probe fires, either the exec-failure probe or the exec-success probe will subsequently fire in the same thread. The path of the new process image is pointed to by args[0].


Fires when an exec variant has failed. The exec-failure probe fires only after the exec probe has fired in the same thread. The errno value is provided in args[0].


Fires when an exec variant has succeeded. Like the exec-failure probe, the exec-success probe fires only after the exec probe has fired in the same thread. By the time the exec-success probe fires, process variables like execname and curpsinfo contain the process state after the new process image has been loaded.


Fires when the current process is exiting. The reason for exit, which is expressed as one of the SIGCHLD siginfo.h(3HEAD) codes, is contained in args[0].


Fires when a thread experiences a machine fault. The fault code, as defined in proc, is in args[0]. The siginfo structure corresponding to the fault is pointed to by args[1]. Only those faults that induce a signal can trigger the fault probe.


Fires when an LWP is created, typically as a result of thr_create. The lwpsinfo_t corresponding to the new thread is pointed to by args[0]. The psinfo_t of the process containing the thread is pointed to by args[1].


Fires when an LWP is exiting, due either to a signal or to an explicit call to thr_exit.


Fires within the context of a newly created LWP. The lwp-start probe will fire before any user-level instructions are executed. If the LWP is the first LWP in the process, the start probe will fire, followed by lwp-start.


Probes that fires when a pending signal is cleared because the target thread was waiting for the signal in sigwait, sigwaitinfo, or sigtimedwait. Under these conditions, the pending signal is cleared and the signal number is returned to the caller. The signal number is in args[0]. signal-clear fires in the context of the formerly waiting thread.


Fires when a signal is sent to a single-threaded process, and the signal is both unblocked and ignored by the process. Under these conditions, the signal is discarded on generation. The lwpsinfo_t and psinfo_t of the target process and thread are in args[0] and args[1], respectively. The signal number is in args[2].


Fires immediately before a thread handles a signal. The signal-handle probe fires in the context of the thread that will handle the signal. The signal number is in args[0]. A pointer to the siginfo_t structure that corresponds to the signal is in args[1]. The address of the signal handler in the process is in args[2].


Fires when a signal is sent to a thread or process. The signal-send probe fires in the context of the sending process and thread. The lwpsinfo_t and psinfo_t of the receiving process and thread are in args[0] and args[1], respectively. The signal number is in args[2]. signal-send is always followed by signal-handle or signal-clear in the receiving process and thread.


Fires in the context of a newly created process. The start probe will fire before any user-level instructions are executed in the process.