Using the proc exec Probe

You can use the exec probe to determine which programs are being executed, and by whom, as shown in the following example:

#pragma D option quiet

        self->parent = execname;

/self->parent != NULL/
        @[self->parent, execname] = count();
        self->parent = NULL;

/self->parent != NULL/
        self->parent = NULL;

        printf("%-20s %-20s %s\n", "WHO", "WHAT", "COUNT");
        printa("%-20s %-20s %@d\n", @);

Running the example script for a short period of time on a build physical machine results in output similar to the following example:

# dtrace -s ./whoexec.d
WHO                  WHAT                 COUNT
make.bin             yacc                 1
tcsh                 make                 1
make.bin             spec2map             1
sh                   grep                 1
lint                 lint2                1
sh                   lint                 1
sh                   ln                   1
cc                   ld                   1
make.bin             cc                   1
lint                 lint1                1
sh                   lex                  1
make.bin             mv                   2
sh                   sh                   3
sh                   make                 3
sh                   sed                  4
sh                   tr                   4
make                 make.bin             4
sh                   install.bin          5
sh                   rm                   6
cc                   ir2hf                33
cc                   ube                  33
sh                   date                 34
sh                   mcs                  34
cc                   acomp                34
sh                   cc                   34
sh                   basename             34
basename             expr                 34
make.bin             sh                   87