Using sysinfo mpstat

Examine the following output from mpstat:

CPU minf mjf xcal  intr ithr  csw icsw migr smtx  srw syscl  usr sys  wt idl
 12   90  22 5760   422  299  435   26   71  116   11  1372    5  19  17  60
 13   46  18 4585   193  162  431   25   69  117   12  1039    3  17  14  66
 14   33  13 3186   405  381  397   21   58  105   10   770    2  17  11  70
 15   34  19 4769   109   78  417   23   57  115   13   962    3  14  14  69
 16   74  16 4421   437  406  448   29   77  111    8  1020    4  23  14  59
 17   51  15 4493   139  110  378   23   62  109    9   928    4  18  14  65
 18   41  14 4204   494  468  360   23   56  102    9   849    4  17  12  68
 19   37  14 4229   115   87  363   22   50  106   10   845    3  15  14  67
 20   78  17 5170   200  169  456   26   69  108    9  1119    5  21  25  49
 21   53  16 4817    78   51  394   22   56  106    9   978    4  17  22  57
 22   32  13 3474   486  463  347   22   48  106    9   769    3  17  17  63
 23   43  15 4572    59   34  361   21   46  102   10   947    4  15  22  59

From the preceding output, you might conclude that the xcal field seems too high, especially given the relative idleness of the system. mpstat determines the value in the xcal field by examining the xcalls field of the sys kernel statistic. This aberration can therefore be explored easily by enabling the xcalls sysinfo probe, as shown in the following example:

# dtrace -n xcalls'{@[execname] = count()}'
dtrace: description 'xcalls' matched 4 probes
  dtterm                                                            1
  nsrd                                                              1
  in.mpathd                                                         2
  top                                                               3
  lockd                                                             4
  java_vm                                                          10
  ksh                                                              19
  iCald.pl6+RPATH                                                  28
  nwadmin                                                          30
  fsflush                                                          34
  nsrindexd                                                        45
  in.rlogind                                                       56
  in.routed                                                       100
  dtrace                                                          153
  rpc.rstatd                                                      246
  imapd                                                           377
  sched                                                           431
  nfsd                                                           1227
  find                                                           3767

The output shows where to look for the source of the cross-calls. Some number of find processes are causing the majority of the cross-calls. The following D script can be used to understand the problem in further detail:

/execname == "find"/
        self->syscall = probefunc;
        self->insys = 1;

/execname == "find"/
        @[self->insys ? self->syscall : "<none>"] = count();

        self->insys = 0;
        self->syscall = NULL;

This script uses the syscall provider to attribute cross-calls from find to a particular system call. Some cross-calls, such as those resulting from page faults, might not emanate from system calls. The script prints <none> in these cases. Running the script results in output similar to the following example:

# dtrace -s ./find.d
 dtrace: script './find.d' matched 444 probes
  <none>                                                            2
  lstat64                                                        2433
  getdents64                                                    14873

This output indicates that the majority of cross-calls induced by find are in turn induced by getdents system calls. Further exploration would depend on the direction you want to explore. To understand why find processes are making calls to getdents, you can write a D script to aggregate on ustack when find induces a cross-call. To understand why calls to getdents are inducing cross-calls, you can write a D script to aggregate on stack when find induces a cross-call. Whatever your next step, the presence of the xcalls probe has enabled you to quickly discover the root cause of the unusual monitoring output.