How to Add Multiple MAC Addresses to a Kernel Zone

  1. Become a zone administrator.
  2. Add the new MAC addresses.
    global$ pfbash zonecfg -z kzone
    zonecfg:kzone> add anet
    zonecfg:kzone:anet> add mac
    zonecfg:kzone:anet:mac> end
    zonecfg:kzone:anet> add mac
    zonecfg:kzone:anet:mac> end
    zonecfg:kzone:anet> end
    zonecfg:kzone> exit
  3. Apply the changes to the running kernel zone.
    global$ zoneadm -z kzone apply
    zone 'kzone': Checking: Adding anet id=1
    zone 'kzone': Applying the changes

    You can alternatively boot the zone to apply the changes.

  4. Log in to the kernel zone and verify the new MAC addresses.
    global$ zlogin kzone
    kzone$ pfbash dladm show-phys -m net1
    LINK                SLOT     ADDRESS            INUSE CLIENT
    net1                primary  2:8:20:42:cf:83    yes   net1
                        1        2:8:20:f4:e1:b1    no    --
                        2        2:8:20:38:67:f3    no    --