How to Check and Enable Services Needed to Migrate Kernel Zones

  1. Become a zone administrator.
  2. If you plan to use the ssh:// URI to connect to the target host, test SSH promptless authentication.

    Execute a command such as date through ssh on the target host.

    source-host$ ssh target-host date
    Tue Oct  4 17:07:55 MDT 2016

    If you are prompted for a password, you have not completely configured your SSH login.

    See How to Generate a Public/Private Key Pair for Use With Secure Shell in Managing Secure Shell Access in Oracle Solaris 11.4.

  3. Check that the NTP client service is running.
    source-host$ svcs ntp
    STATE          STIME    FMRI
    online         Jun_27   svc:/network/ntp:default
    source-host$ ssh target-host svcs ntp
    STATE          STIME    FMRI
    online         Aug_09   svc:/network/ntp:default

    If the NTP service is not running, start the NTP service. See How to Set Up NTP on a Oracle Solaris System in Managing Clock Synchronization in Oracle Solaris 11.4 for additional information.

  4. Check that RAD services are running on source and target hosts.
    • If you plan to use the ssh:// URI, the rad:local service must be running.

    • If you plan to use rads:// or radg://, the rad:remote service must be running.

    1. Display the status of RAD services on the source and target hosts.

      The following example output shows the rad:remote service disabled on both the source and target hosts:

      Check RAD services on the source host:
      source-host$ svcs rad
      STATE          STIME    FMRI
      disabled       10:09:15 svc:/system/rad:remote
      online         10:09:18 svc:/system/rad:local
      online         10:09:18 svc:/system/rad:local-http
      Check RAD services on the target host:
      source-host$ ssh target-host svcs rad
      STATE          STIME    FMRI
      disabled       Jun_23   svc:/system/rad:remote
      online         Jun_23   svc:/system/rad:local
      online         Jun_23   svc:/system/rad:local-http
    2. If a RAD service is disabled, enable the service.

      The following example commands enable the rad:remote service on both the source and target hosts:

      Enable RAD services on the source host:
      source-host$ svcadm enable rad:remote
      Enable RAD services on the target host:
      source-host$ ssh target-host svcadm enable rad:remote
    3. Repeat Step 4.a to verify that all RAD services are enabled.
  5. If you plan to perform live migration, start the kernel zone migration service on the source and target hosts.
    source$ svcadm enable -rs svc:/network/kz-migr:stream
    source$ ssh target svcadm enable -rs svc:/network/kz-migr:stream