How to Migrate a Kernel Zone By Using Live Migration

  1. Become an administrator who is assigned rights to migrate kernel zones.
  2. On the source host, confirm that the zone to migrate is in the running state.
    source-host$ zoneadm list -cv
      ID NAME             STATUS      PATH      BRAND            IP
       0 global           running      /        solaris          shared
       1 kzone            running      -        solaris-kz       excl
  3. On the source host, initiate a dry run.

    This operation tests the kernel zone configuration before performing the live migration. Output is similar to the following:

    source-host$ zoneadm -z kzone migrate -n rad-uri:user@target-host
    zoneadm: zone 'kzone': Importing zone configuration.
    zoneadm: zone 'kzone': Attaching zone.
    zoneadm: zone 'kzone': Booting zone in 'migrating-in' mode.
    zoneadm: zone 'kzone': Checking migration compatibility.
    zoneadm: zone 'kzone': Cleaning up.
    zoneadm: zone 'kzone': Dry-run migration successful.
  4. Migrate the kernel zone.
    source-host$ zoneadm -z kzone migrate rad-uri:user@target-host
    zoneadm: zone 'kzone': Importing zone configuration.
    zoneadm: zone 'kzone': Attaching zone.
    zoneadm: zone 'kzone': Booting zone in 'migrating-in' mode.
    zoneadm: zone 'kzone1': Halting and detaching zone on source host.
    zoneadm: zone 'kzone': Migration successful.
  5. Confirm that the zone has migrated on the target host.
    target-host:$ zoneadm list -cv
      ID NAME             STATUS      PATH        BRAND         IP
       0 global           running     /           solaris       shared
    1754 kzone            running     -           solaris-kz    excl

Example 5-15 Using Live Migration to Migrate a Kernel Zone to a New Host

The following example demonstrates a live migration of the kernel zone kzone1 from the source host global to the target host global2. The configuration was created in advance on the target host.

global$ zoneadm -z kzone1 migrate ssh://global2
zoneadm: zone 'kzone1': Using zone configuration on destination.
zoneadm: zone 'kzone1': Attaching zone.
zoneadm: zone 'kzone1': Booting zone in 'migrating-in' mode.
zoneadm: zone 'kzone1': Checking migration compatibility.
zoneadm: zone 'kzone1': Starting migration.
zoneadm: zone 'kzone1': Waiting for migration to complete.
zoneadm: zone 'kzone1': Migration successful.
zoneadm: zone 'kzone1': Halting and detaching zone.

Example 5-16 Live Migration Dry Run Failure

This example demonstrates a failed dry-run migration between the source host global1 and the target host global2. The virtual-cpu resource is inconsistent between both hosts. See Oracle Solaris Zones Configuration Resources for further information about zone configuration.

global1$ zoneadm -z kzone1 migrate -n ssh://global2
zoneadm: zone 'kzone1': Using existing zone configuration on destination.
zoneadm: zone 'kzone1': Attaching zone.
zoneadm: zone 'kzone1': Booting zone in 'migrating-in' mode.
zoneadm: zone 'kzone1': boot failed:
zone 'kzone1': error: Suspended zone has 8 active VCPUs, more than the configured
zone 'kzone1': virtual-cpu maximum of 4.
zone 'kzone1': error: Correct errors, or delete the configuration, using zonecfg(8) on
the zone 'kzone1': destination host.
zoneadm: zone kzone1: call to zoneadmd(8) failed: zoneadmd(8) returned an error 9 (zone state change failed)

Example 5-17 Live Migration Between Hosts With Different anet Configurations

The following example demonstrates live migration between hosts with different anet configurations. See Oracle Solaris Zones Configuration Resources for additional information regarding anet resources.

The zone configuration is created on the target host and the anet resource is modified before the migration. A dry run is performed to test.

global1$ zonecfg -z kzone1 -r export | ssh root@global2 zonecfg -z kzone1 -f -
global1$ ssh root@global2 zonecfg -z kzone1 'select anet 0; set lower-link=net1;end'
global1$ zoneadm -z kzone1 migrate -n ssh://global2