Kernel Zone Migration Failures

  • The following example shows that a live migration of the mykz kernel zone, which has memory live zone reconfiguration enabled, fails when the ssh:// target host runs an Oracle Solaris version that does not support the feature:

    root:sparc-host::~# zoneadm -z mykz migrate ssh://
    zoneadm: zone 'mykz': Importing zone configuration on destination.
    zoneadm: zone 'mykz': configuration failed:
    create -b
    set brand=solaris-kz
    set host-compatible=memlzr
    add capped-memory
    set physical=12G
    set pagesize-policy=fixed
    set pagesize=256M
    Error received from the target machine:
    On line 3:
    memlzr: Invalid argument

    As expected, the live migration fails even if an existing kernel zone configuration is on the target host that does not support the feature.

  • The following example shows that a live migration of the kz1 kernel zone fails when the ssh://system2 target host does not support the specified capped-memory:pagesize property value:

    # zoneadm -z kz1 migrate ssh://system2
    zoneadm: zone 'kz1': Importing zone configuration on destination.
    zoneadm: zone 'kz1': configuration failed:
    create -b
    set brand=solaris-kz
    set cpu-arch=migration-class1
    set hostid=0x6f038b0b
    add anet
    set configure-allowed-address=true
    set id=0
    add device
    set storage=iscsi://system2/luname.naa.600144f00010e0767dda6076931b0001
    set bootpri=0
    set id=0
    add capped-memory
    set physical=12G
    set pagesize-policy=fixed
    set pagesize=2G
    add keysource
    set raw="{base64}9/7hHuucihhP6YTwCcjaqg=="
    Error received from the target machine:
    On line 16:
    "fixed" is not a valid pagesize-policy name